Mail Settings

If you want to have notifications sent when an event is booked or other actions that require mail, you need to set-up EME in order for mails to be sent; the SMTP settings are at the end of section “Mail” in the EME settings. If you’re not the owner of the server where you website is hosted, you should get the relevant informations from the company hosting your website.

You can use regular smtp servers, authenticated smtp, wordpress mail, etc …
For secure mail, either use SSL or TLS when sending mail (for SSL the port is usually 465, for TLS it is usually 25 or 587), see below for an SSL example via Gmail.

If you choose to use your Gmail account to send notifications, follow these steps:

  • set Notification sender address to you Gmail user name
  • set Email sending method to SMTP
  • set SMTP host to
  • set SMTP port to 587 and SMTP encryption method to TLS
    OR: set SMTP port to 465 and SMTP encryption method to SSL
  • set Use SMTP authentication? to Yes
  • set SMTP username to you Gmail user name (including “”)
  • set SMTP password to your Gmail password. If Google requires Two Factor Authentication (2FA), which they now do for sending mail: create an application password and use that here.
  • cross your fingers

But, don’t forget: it’s the webserver that’s doing the sending, so it might be that port 465 is being blocked by a firewall …
After you’ve finished configuring your sending method of choice, go to the ‘Send Mails’ submenu to send a test mail.

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