Normally, EME is totally compatible with other plugins, but some might need some tweaking. Here are some tips:
You need to exclude the EME javascripts from WP-Minify, otherwise you will not get the locations map. The scripts that need to be excluded are
You need to exclude the following JS: thickbox, jquery.js, events-made-easy/js/eme_location_map.js, events-made-easy/js/eme.js, events-made-easy/js/client-clock.js, latitude_, longitude_, map_text_
and excluded CSS: events_manager.css, thickbox.css
Email Encoder Bundle
This plugin changes all jquery output needed for EME to show it’s location maps, so don’t use it until the author fixes that behaviour.
The description of the root cause can be found here:
and a setting in cforms that resolves this:
in cformsII => Global Settings => WP Editor button support
activate the option “Fix TinyMCE error”, or disable the cforms button
Make sure to uncheck “Minify/combine JS” and “Defer JS” for the special Events Page to get the payment-button loaded after booking.
Countdown Wpdevart
This plugin uses a datepicker with the same name as the one EME is using, but with different functionality. This results in EME having issues with the datetimepicker and so currently I recommend to not using this plugin.
The special Events page should not have a polylang language assigned to it, otherwise that language will always be taken for events. So, if that is by accident the case execute the following steps:
– deactivate polylang and events made easy plugins
– remove the events pages (in all languages, also from draft and trash)
– reactivate EME (this will create a new events page without language assigned to it)
– reactivate polylang