Events Made Easy Forums Bug fixed or feature request implemented Showing a specific month in events list

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  • #42197

    I have a secondary menu in my site which shows the months Jan to Dec using a post for each month of the year. I was going to use a shortcode to display the list of events for each month on their respective pages but I can’t seem to find a way to do this.

    As I understand it you can show a specific month (ie March) in the ‘calender view’ with the short code [events_calendar month=3]. What I would like to do is the same but with the [events_list] shortcode as I only want to show the list view but I can’t seem to find a way to do this for a specific month.

    If I use the shortcode [events_list scope=2010-01-01--2010-02-01] then I will have to change the shortcode every time a month passes because it includes the year.

    Is there a way around this that I am missing?

    (Sorry if I haven’t explained this very well)


    This is not yet possible … but it should be easy to add to the code. I’ll try to code something up for tomorrow or so.

    But for your example: you’ll then need to change it every time a year passes, not a month.


    Added to trunk:

    * Feature: if you use “scope=this_month” as a parameter to the [events_list] shortcode, it will now show all events in the current month

    * Feature: if you use “scope=0000-04” as a parameter to the [events_list] shortcode, it will now show all events in month 04 of the current year


    Wow, that’s awesome thanks so much for this. You’re a legend.


    Thanks 🙂

    But you’ll need to be patient a bit until the version gets released. Or if not, you can grab the trunk (devel) version from the wordpress download page.

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