Events Made Easy Forums How do I … Event Lists: Multiple Events under one day

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  • #42237

    Let me preface this by saying that I believe there is a shortcode for this function but I can no longer find any reference to it here.

    I am showing events as lists and on many days have multiple events. I would like the list to be generated so that the Event Date is listed and then under that the various events.


    December 11, 2010

    -Event 1 and its details

    -Event 2 and its details

    -Event 3 and its details

    December 13, 2010

    -Event 1 and its details

    -Event 2 and its details

    It seems to me that the solution is easy as I as was first looking that the solution for the project I am working on I considered it but decided against it. Now I have another project in mind to use this for and can’t find the solution here in the Support.


    Hmmm … I would say you want [events_list showperiod=daily]

    The doc was wrong (it said “weekly”, but that doesn’t exist).


    I’m doing the same thing right now using the shortcode: [events_list showperiod=daily limit=30 category=4]

    but as you can see here:

    My events are not grouping under the date. What am I doing wrong? It’s driving me nuts.

    I would also love to group my events by Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday… and so on. So there would be a view by the current week.

    Franky, I would be willing to hire you to do some custom work for me on this plugin.


    Confirmed as a bug: due to the new code, the day shows for every event.

    Try this change:

    I committed this change for 3.2.12 as well now, so new updaters won’t have the issue anymore.


    I try the change, but the problem is ever there. I have problems of display after the update. Now, an activity which is spread out from date to an other displays several times. Also, the pagination does not display any more. Nevertheless, I use: <?php eme_get_events_list(“scope=future&showperiod=monthly&order=ASC&category=$categorie&limit=15&paging=1”); ?>.



    You can check the list :


    Ok, I added an option “long_events” to the events_list as well (shortcode and template function, as for events_calendar) which defaults to “0”, so that should do it for everybody now.

    But the limit/paging function should work just fine …


    I made the change to eme_events.php and now my list is working great. It took a little more tweaking to make it look right.

    I would still love to be able to show this weeks events (both past and future) – just a normal Monday through Friday view.

    nicomania – how did you create the category drop-down? I’d love that as well.


    @medicineagency: you can always contact me in private for work to be done: liedekef [at]

    I usually only do things that are beneficial for everybody though 🙂

    For the “this week thingie”: I can add a “this_week” scope option (like this_month),, shouldn’t be that hard to do …


    Btw: this_week has been added to trunk as a possible value to the scope parameter



    I wrote you to discuss developing some new stuff that I think everybody would like. In the meantime I have another small question:

    When using “scope=today”… how would I get the date above the list in the same format as when using “showperiod=daily”? I need it to look the same for consistency. As you can see here:


    and here:


    Thanks in advance!


    For the formatting of the day in showperiod=daily: see your general wordpress settings, these are taken from there. Then just take this setting for your event listing.

    I’ve read your mail this night (sigh … I really shouldn’t, these things have a tendancy of crawling into my sleep and solving them …) and will mail you in private.


    Franky, What I’m saying is that the date is not showing up at all when I use scope. Please see my examples.

    Sorry to haunt your dreams. You’re a good man who cares about the quality of your work!


    Hmmm … check your setting “Default event list format”, that’s where the date formatting is given for the list of events. But I think I see the problem: you want to use showperiod=daily, so you removed the date part from the settings and then you want to use scope, but that of course would need the date part back in the settings …

    You want to use the “format” parameter for [events_list], so you can change the formatting per occurence of the shortcode, eg: [events_list scope=today format="<li>#j #M #Y - #H:#i #_LINKEDNAME<br>#_TOWN </li>"]

    ==> Don’t do this in the visual editor, but in the html-code editor (otherwise the “<” gets translated etc)

    ==> if you use your own formatting, make sure to use correct beginning and endings as well in your post (eg. ul-codes before and after the shortcode in this example:

    [events_list scope=today format="<li>#j #M #Y - #H:#i #_LINKEDNAME<br>#_TOWN </li>"]


    OK, I found something strange for my old post : the pagination does not display any more. Nevertheless, I use: <?php eme_get_events_list(“scope=future&showperiod=monthly&order=ASC&category=$categorie&limit=15&paging=1”); ?>.

    If I use showperiod=monthly, the pagination is not showing. If i don’t use the tag showperiod, the pagination is showing.


    Try the latest trunk version, some fixes were made for this:



    Thanks for letting me know I can override the format within the shortcode. That may come in really handy later, however, it doesn’t give me what I need this time.

    I need all my lists to look EXACTLY like the list on this page:

    That was using this shortcode: [events_list showperiod=daily limit=100]

    Please notice the date in bold on the top left of the list. I gave the header “bottom-margin: -35px” so that it would line up with the date there. It’s EXACTLY how I want it to look.

    However that date is only appearing when I use “showperiod” and not when I use “scope”.

    This is the page using “[events_list scope=today]“shortcode:

    Notice the lack of date on top left. Without it there, the header doesn’t look right. I know that “scope=today” doesn’t group events under the date the same way it does for “showperiod=daily” but I need some solution to make it look the same. I assumed I would have to edit the PHP.


    Well, *this* is the explanation you should’ve given from the beginning 🙂

    But anyway, it is what it is: showperiod shows you the date as an extra, scope doesn’t. Some small php in your posts can help you here (no need for editing php), eg:

    <?php echo date("Y-m-d"); ?>

    before your shortcode should help you.


    Or even better: you can just use [events_list scope=today showperiod=daily]


    Such a simple solution! You’re the man and this plugin rules!


    But a small thing: the date will only show up if events happen on that day, so for the combo “scope=today showperiod=daily” you won’t see the date if no events happen on that day.

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