Events Made Easy Forums Bug fixed or feature request implemented RDATE irregularly recurring events

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  • #42530

    Please add support for irregularly recurring events (events at variable date-time, and with variable duration). The RDATE in iCall RFC-2245 VCALENDAR 2.0. allow exactly this. The most widely supported syntax and the most needed when planning film shows is like this:


    A more complete variation though less supported allow this:



    This means the event can occur at different non-linear date-times and have different duration at each occurrence.

    For now the most wanted feature is being able to add film show date-times as a same event, so the variable duration does not apply here. That is RDATE;VALUE=DATE-TIME: support for edition and display.

    The person requiring this feature is willing to donate/finance this. I myself consider having a look inside the code but this will takes me some much time to have a foot in the project from scratch. If you can give a quotation for the development, please leave a message (english/french).



    Errr … variable duration and variable date/time? Sounds like not being recurrent to me, but just the same event happening at different dates/times.

    What about just creating the event once, and then use the “+” sign to copy it to a new event?


    Beause a new event is not the same event. A film show belong to one film aka one article on the blog. It expose several show dates times. This means each date time reporting the event must report the same event linking to the same article. This would involve having duplicate articles, duplicate events for the same film, each one for every date time.


    And what about using an attribute for a link to the whole explanation?

    Or maybe (something I remember from some time ago) I could add an extra option so you can link the event to a seperate page, so the event details are in that page then …


    I don’t want hacking workarounds where there is a norm for this in RFC-5545


    One show has several date-times. This is relational cardinaly of 1->n where n has distinct key values.

    It is not some random hackish relational jojojob where random events are back-linked to some common definition.


    This is an ical standard, not an event standard. Two totally different things. Show me one event manager where you can do this …


    I’ve implemented a feature request that might help you here: you can specify a link to an external url (wp page or whatever) as the link for single event details. This can help you here: you just create the event and specify date/time/location (and whatever you want to show in the list of events) and url to the external event page. Then you can copy this event and just alter the date/time to your needs. The event details is an external page and will thus never need to be changed.


    First off let me just say this plugin looks damn near perfect for my needs


    I too have the need for having an event that follows a non-linear pattern. I’ve seen it in other (less functional) CMSs, and generally how it is done, is there is just a textarea that allows for multiple standard dates to be inputted (MM/DD/YYYY) delimited by commas. So it’s a completely manual solution, but I’ve found it’s the only thing that works in some cases where the event is exactly the same except the day.

    Creating a duplicate event to manage the same exact event is a huge overhead when you’ve got hundreds of events: editing a SINGLE recurring (even if it is manually set with the dates) is much easier than editing multiple duplicated versions of that event.

    I hope I expressed that clearly enough, I would absolutely love to see this functionality added to this plugin if at all possible.

    Thanks Franky! Keep up the great work!


    That’s a method of doing things … but implementing something like that will take time and work. I’ll put it on the ever growing feature request list (which doesn’t seem to get smaller, no matter how many features I implement …)


    Irregular intervals are now possible, so I think this now covered. Although the ical feed will show each event seperately, but that shouln’t be an issue. I’ll take a look at RDATE

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