Events Made Easy Forums Bug fixed or feature request implemented Calendar on events page misbehaving?

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  • #43753

    Hey folks,

    The calendar on my events page is being called in the header of my theme. This happened since a theme update, what can I do to fix this? Except from reverting to my old theme.. I have considered that option and I have put too much work into the current theme to do that.

    The page at fault:


    Try if this change fixes it for you:

    otherwise: what’s in the header of your theme causing this? Do you call the_content() there?


    Definately progress, but now there are two calendars on the page.

    I could use CSS to hide the top calendar as they have different ID’s (eme-calendar-177 and eme-calendar-152), but this would add to data usage, any better ideas?


    Correction, the events page is working correctly now with the latest code. I must have made an error when manually changing the code, but a simple cut and paste solved this.

    Thanks for your fast help Franky, you have developed an excellent plugin!


    It’s a coincidence: I came up with this code yesterday night. Still needs to be tested of course, but normally it should take care of these situations. But still, out of curiousity: would you mind mailing me your theme so I can check the full efect of the code? My mail:




    One more issue, the booking/registration for is not displaying on event pages.

    I have enable registration for the event, both wordpress and regular, played with the RSVP dates, the event is public, and there are 10 free slots and the date is still 5 days away. Check out the link below for more details, any suggestions?


    Did you use the correct placeholder in the event formatting? See


    I didn’t change the placeholder from the default settings, I assumed that the default events format would include a booking form, this must have changed from a previous version of the event plugin because I don’t remember doing this before.

    It’s working now, thanks again Franky. I have donated via paypal, thanks again for your help.


    That’s the first one that stopped me — the default install includes very little of the available features on the Event page.

    If anyone else wants, here’s my current “Default single event format” using many, not all, of the available codes (I use the common US date formatting, e.g. “Monday, March 19, 2012”). I also included some conditional formatting to suppress non-RSVP and non-WP-user items, and the iCal, Google Calendar, and Edit This Event tweaks:

    <b><p style="float: left; width: 32%; text-align: left;">#D, #M. #j, #Y -- #_12HSTARTTIME to #_12HENDTIME</p>
    <p style="float: left; width: 60%; text-align: right;">#_LOCATIONNAME, #_ADDRESS, #_TOWN</p></b><div> </div>
    <div> </div><div> </div>
    <b>Scroll down to see detail</b>
    [events_if tag='#_IS_RSVP_ENABLED' value='1']
    <div class="sep"> </div>
    <b>or BOOK TICKETS: </b>#_PRICE per person#_ADDBOOKINGFORM<div class="sep"> </div> [/events_if]
    <div class="sep"> </div>
    <div class="sep"> </div>
    <b>Getting There</b> (enter your address; then click "Get Directions"): #_DIRECTIONS
    <div class="sep"> </div>
    <b>Categories:</b> #_CATEGORIES
    <div class="sep"> </div>
    [events_if tag='#_IS_RSVP_ENABLED' value='1']
    <b>Who's Attending So Far</b> #_ATTENDEES<div> </div><b>Availability:</b> #_BOOKEDSEATS spots booked, #_AVAILABLESEATS available<div class="sep"> </div>[/events_if]
    <b>Event Contact:</b> #_CONTACTNAME, #_CONTACTEMAIL, #_CONTACTPHONE<div class="sep"> </div><div>
    Click #_ICALLINK or <a target="_blank" href="{Ymd}T#H#_{i}00/#@_{Ymd}T#@H#@_{i}00&sprop=#URL_EVENTPAGEURL&location=#URL_ADDRESS,#URL_TOWN&details=#URL_LOCATION">Google Calendar</a> to add to your calendar.<div> </div></div>
    [events_if tag='#_IS_LOGGED_IN' value='1']
    #_EDITEVENTLINK this Event<div> </div>[/events_if]

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