Events Made Easy Forums How do I … Not receiving RSVP emails


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  • #51587

    Hi, I just took on a client who has EME on her site, installed prior to my coming in. She has never received an email informing her of a registration reservation.

    I have tried every configuration that I can. I’ve even set it up with myself to receive the email at my gmail address using the gmail configuration and submitted tests. I’ve not received confirmation emails as a potential ‘reservee” nor an RSVP as the owner.

    I DO get a “You have successfully RSVP’d!” message upon submission and the registrations do indeed go through.
    It’s the emailing confirmations that is the issue.

    what to do??


    Is the setting “Enable the RSVP e-mail notifications” activated?
    Can the webserver access the configured email server (firewall)?


    Yes, the “enable RSVP email notifications” setting is activated.

    re: webserver. No idea, not my server. Question: I’m sending this to a gmail account…does that even come into play? If so, what questions/information do I need to ask/give the person who owns the webhosting service?



    Yes, it comes into play for a hosting service too.
    If you’re unsure, either ask your webhosting which mailserver to use, or – if wordpress mail works – use the mail sending method “WP Mail” in the EME settings.


    Now using WP Mail in EME settings. Web hosting person made some changes on his end as BlueHost doesn’t like the settings for SMTP

    Partial succcess is that the person RSVPing to the event is now getting a confirmation email!
    But not the contact person who really needs to get the RSVP…that’s the last link in this chain. Thoughts?


    Does the contact person have a correct email adres? Does the mail not arrive in his spam folder?
    And also: you probably need to check the mailserver logfiles to know why. EME just does the sending, but doesn’t alert you if it fails.
    You can activate SMTP debug, but you don’t use that and with the new method I use for double form-posting, you wouldn’t see the debug anyway.


    With this testing period, I would be the contact person, and no I am not receiving them, nor are they in my spam folder.

    So, for settings (to go through them), I have:
    (under the RSVP tab)
    Default contact person: me

    (under the Mail tab)
    enable RSVP email notifications: yes
    Contact person email format: #_RESPNAME (#_RESPEMAIL) will attend #_EVENTNAME on #m #d, #Y. He wants to reserve #_SPACES space(s).
    Now there are #_RESERVEDSPACES space(s) reserved, #_AVAILABLESPACES are still available.

    Yours faithfully,
    Events Manager

    notification sender address: my email address
    mail sending method: PHP Mail function
    SMTP username: my email
    SMTP password: my email password

    I can ask the webhost contact to check the mail logs (I cannot do that as I don’t have access to that account). Just stumped that all is working but this very important bit


    “PHP Mail” is not “WP Mail”, but for the rest: mailservers can be strict about the sender and/or receiving mail addresses.
    But the default contact person in the RSVP tab is not necessarily the contact person of the event, just the contact person for new events. Did you check the RSVP settings when editing an event?


    well, this is interesting (to me – remember, I’m coming in to this problem in the middle).
    Evidently the client HAS been receiving all of the test reservations over the last 24 hours! So, what you’re saying is that whomever set up the Event originally will receive the RSVP, correct? Which would be why my changing the settings wouldn’t affect reservations made to existing events.

    FTR, what I noted to the web host master was:
    One workaround: (from

    (If I might interject, I actually found there are more steps required if you are using some shared hosts like Bluehost.)

    If you have installed the plugin and followed the directions above and still don’t receive emails, you might try the following steps. I’m not sure on how all the technical pieces work so my explanation may not be top notch… but I know that these steps work since I use them on 20+ wordpress installations on bluehost accounts:

    1. Log into your cPanel account and create an email account that matches your google apps email address (I know… it seems strange since you are not going to use it, but this step will essentially trick the server into believing you are sending the email through the same server)

    2. Then in the cPanel account find your MX records and change the MX routing from automatic to “Remote”… it may be a little trickier to find now since they upgraded some UI functions inside cPanel but look for a small link next to MX that says “Email Routing: Remote Mail Exchanger more ยป”

    3. Log back into your wordpress site and send a test email through the WP Mail SMTP plugin

    Hope that works for you. This solution took me months of trial and error, literally hundreds of hours with tech support and outsourcing consultants, and a lot of caffeine and cursing. But I can now have forms like gravity forms on a wordpress installation on bluehost send an email to a google apps email address.



    Well, when you edit an event, on the right there is a setting “Contact person”. That indeed doesn’t change if you change the default contact person for new events.


    Just my two cents on this..

    SMTP email was working fine for me with EME v1.2.9. I updated to EME 1.4.3 and WordPress 3.9.1 and it stopped working with this error:
    ERROR: Failed to connect to server: Connection refused (111)SMTP connect() failed.

    Not sure if it was a problem with my host (Go Daddy) or the plugin.

    But, when I switched to SMTP using the WP-Mail-SMTP plugin with the same email settings, SMTP email started working again!

    So, that solved it for me, for what it’s worth. (i.e., set EME email to WP_MAIL and then use the WP-Mail-SMTP plugin).



    Well, the SMTP lib I use is the one from wordpress, and they changed some defaults in the newer version of wordpress.
    But a connection refused would mean either a incorrect servername or port (remember: the standard smtp port is 25, not 110 as some people claim).
    I’m using the SMTP method and sending authenticated mail via google without any issues at all.

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