Events Made Easy Forums Tips Coupon Codes

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  • #52201

    For a site I’m managing, my client wanted event registrants to be able to enter a coupon code to get a discount off the normal price. After reading some other posts in the forum, and tweaking the discount example in the FAQ, I came up with a solution that worked nicely for my needs.

    First, I added a custom “Coupon” text field, and inserted this field into the RSVP form. In my case, I inserted it between the Seats and Comment lines:

                <tr><th scope='row'>Seats*:</th><td>#_SPACES</td></tr>
                <tr><th scope='row'>Coupon:</th><td>#_FIELD{1}</td>
                <tr><th scope='row'>Comment:</th><td>#_COMMENT</td></tr>

    The following functions were then added to the theme’s functions.php file. Because I wanted my coupon codes to be tied to specific event types, I made event categories, and queried the booked event’s category to match to the proper code.

    Right now only one category has codes, but I plan on adding more later. I’m also allowing for both upper- and lower-case matches for the coupon codes, though I might change to a regular expression comparison later. (And yes, the codes and categories in the code below were changed for this example.)

     * Add a hook for the Events Made Easy system to allow for coupon codes
    add_action('eme_insert_rsvp_action', 'my_eme_coupons',20,1);
     * Custom function to calculate coupon code discounts for events
    function my_eme_coupons($booking) {
    	global $wpdb;
    	$bookings_table = $wpdb->prefix.BOOKINGS_TBNAME;
    	$where = array();
    	$fields = array();
    	// Grab the coupon code from the extra answers
    	$event_id = $booking['event_id'];
    	$answers = eme_get_answers($event_id);
    	$coupon = $answers[0]['answer'];
    	// Collect the event categories
    	$event_cat = eme_get_event_categories($event_id);
    	// As long as the coupon code isn't empty, look for matches
    	if ($coupon != '') {
    		if ($event_cat[0] == "Category1") {
    			// If coupon code used, apply the appropriate price change
    			if ($coupon == "XXXXX" || $coupon == "xxxxx")
    				$price = 27.5;
    			$fields['booking_price'] = $price;
    			$where['booking_id'] = $booking['booking_id'];
    			$wpdb->update($bookings_table, $fields, $where);

    Thanks for sharing !


    Just found an error in the code above. Here is the correct code:

     * Add a hook for the Events Made Easy system to allow for coupon codes
    add_action('eme_insert_rsvp_action', 'my_eme_coupons',20,1);
     * Custom function to calculate coupon code discounts for events
    function my_eme_coupons($booking) {
    	global $wpdb;
    	$bookings_table = $wpdb->prefix.BOOKINGS_TBNAME;
    	$where = array();
    	$fields = array();
    	// Grab the coupon code from the extra answers
    	$event_id = $booking['event_id'];
    	$booking_id = $booking['booking_id'];
    	$answers = eme_get_answers($booking_id);
    	$coupon = $answers[0]['answer'];
    	// Collect the event categories
    	$event_cat = eme_get_event_categories($event_id);
    	// As long as the coupon code isn't empty, look for matches
    	if ($coupon != '') {
    		if ($event_cat[0] == "Category1") {
    			// If coupon code used, apply the appropriate price change
    			if ($coupon == "XXXXX" || $coupon == "xxxxx")
    				$price = 27.5;
    			$fields['booking_price'] = $price;
    			$where['booking_id'] = $booking['booking_id'];
    			$wpdb->update($bookings_table, $fields, $where);

    //echo “<p>Event ID: $event_id</p>”;
    $answers = eme_get_answers($booking_id);


    Hi, I tried a variation of this code. I do not need multiple amounts for a discount, just one discount of 5 dollars for each booking with a code. I have tried several different syntax groups, but entering the coupon code and clicking the submit button (takes a user to a paypal checkout), and the 5 dollar discount is not showing. Do you think you can help me out?

    This is what I have now:

    add_action('eme_insert_rsvp_action', 'my_eme_coupons',20,1);
     * Custom function to calculate coupon code discounts for events
    function my_eme_coupons($booking) {
    	global $wpdb;
    	$bookings_table = $wpdb->prefix.BOOKINGS_TBNAME;
    	$discount = 5;
    	$where = array();
    	$fields = array();
    	// Grab the coupon code from the extra answers
    	$event_id = $booking['event_id'];
    	$booking_id = $booking['booking_id'];
    	$answers = eme_get_answers($booking_id);
    	$coupon = $answers[0]['answer'];
    	// Collect the event categories
    	$event_cat = eme_get_event_categories($event_id);
    	// As long as the coupon code isn't empty, look for matches
    	if ($coupon != '') {
    			// If coupon code used, apply the appropriate price change
    			if ($coupon == "WCMDCPrice") {
    				$price = ($booking['booking_price']) - ($discount);
    			$fields['booking_price'] = $price;
    			$where['booking_id'] = $booking['booking_id'];
    			$wpdb->update($bookings_table, $fields, $where);

    Try the following, but also make sure that $answers[0]['answer'] is the answer containing your coupon code (you can always just do ‘print_r($answers);” to see what is in that array. Maybe also post your rsvp form template being used.

    add_action('eme_insert_rsvp_action', 'my_eme_coupons',20,1);
     * Custom function to calculate coupon code discounts for events
    function my_eme_coupons($booking) {
    	global $wpdb;
    	$bookings_table = $wpdb->prefix.BOOKINGS_TBNAME;
    	$discount = 5;
    	$where = array();
    	$fields = array();
    	// Grab the coupon code from the extra answers
    	$event_id = $booking['event_id'];
    	$booking_id = $booking['booking_id'];
    	$answers = eme_get_answers($booking_id);
    	$coupon = $answers[0]['answer'];
    	// Collect the event categories
    	$event_cat = eme_get_event_categories($event_id);
    	// As long as the coupon code isn't empty, look for matches
    	if ($coupon == "WCMDCPrice") {
    			// If coupon code used, apply the appropriate price change
    			$price = $booking['booking_price'] - $discount;
    			$fields['booking_price'] = $price;
    			$where['booking_id'] = $booking['booking_id'];
    			$wpdb->update($bookings_table, $fields, $where);

    I tried with the answer being 0, then again with answer being 1, since the form field for the coupon has an id of 1, like this, and it did not work:

    function my_eme_coupons($booking) {
    	global $wpdb;
    	$bookings_table = $wpdb->prefix.BOOKINGS_TBNAME;
    	$discount = 5;
    	$where = array();
    	$fields = array();
    	// Grab the coupon code from the extra answers
    	$event_id = $booking['event_id'];
    	$booking_id = $booking['booking_id'];
    	$answers = eme_get_answers($booking_id);
    	$coupon = $answers[1]['answer'];
    	// Collect the event categories
    	$event_cat = eme_get_event_categories($event_id);
    	// As long as the coupon code isn't empty, look for matches
    	if ($coupon == "WCMDCPrice") {
    			// If coupon code used, apply the appropriate price change
    			$price = $booking['booking_price'] - $discount;
    			$fields['booking_price'] = $price;
    			$where['booking_id'] = $booking['booking_id'];
    			$wpdb->update($bookings_table, $fields, $where);

    This is what the form HTML looks like:
    <div id=’eme-rsvp-message’>
    <form id=’eme-rsvp-form’ name=’booking-form’ method=’post’ action=’#eme-rsvp-message’>
    <div class=’eme-rsvp-form’>
    Name*:<br><input required=’required’ type=’text’ name=’bookerName’ value=’Webmaster’ /><div class=’eme-required-field’> (Required field)</div><br>
    E-Mail*:<br><input required=’required’ type=’text’ name=’bookerEmail’ value=’’ /><div class=’eme-required-field’> (Required field)</div><br>
    Phone number:<br><input type=’text’ name=’bookerPhone’ value=” /><br>
    Seats*:<br><select id=’bookedSeats’ name=’bookedSeats’></select><br>
    Member Coupon:<br><input type=’text’ name=’FIELD1′ value=” /><br>
    Comment:<br><textarea name=’bookerComment’></textarea><br>
    <input type=’submit’ value=’Continue’ />
    </div><input type=”hidden” id=”eme_rsvp_nonce” name=”eme_rsvp_nonce” value=”34baac4e73″ /><span id=’honeypot_check’>Keep this field blank: <input type=’text’ name=’honeypot_check’ value=” /></span>
    <p>(* marks a required field)</p>
    <input type=’hidden’ name=’eme_eventAction’ value=’add_booking’ />
    <input type=’hidden’ name=’event_id’ value=’10’ />

    I also tried it this way: $coupon = $answers[FIELD1][‘answer’]; that did not work.

    Any more help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


    Please mark your code as such using the code button.
    Also, as said: try to print_r($answers) to see the whole array.
    Also, you can always try this (replace “MY_FIELD_NAME” with the name of the formfield you defined):

    function my_eme_coupons($booking) {
    	global $wpdb;
    	$bookings_table = $wpdb->prefix.BOOKINGS_TBNAME;
    	$discount = 5;
    	$where = array();
    	$fields = array();
    	// Grab the coupon code from the extra answers
    	$event_id = $booking['event_id'];
    	$booking_id = $booking['booking_id'];
    	$answers = eme_get_answers($booking_id);
    	$coupon = "";
            foreach ($answers as $answer) {
                if ($answer['field_name'] == "MY_FIELD_NAME") {
                   $coupon = $answer['answer'];
    	// As long as the coupon code isn't empty, look for matches
    	if ($coupon == "WCMDCPrice") {
    		// If coupon code used, apply the appropriate price change
    		$price = $booking['booking_price'] - $discount;
    		$fields['booking_price'] = $price;
    		$where['booking_id'] = $booking['booking_id'];
    		$wpdb->update($bookings_table, $fields, $where);

    Thank you so much for your help, my coupon is up and running.



    I just added the code above to my functions.php with this modification

    	$coupon = "";
            foreach ($answers as $answer) {
                if ($answer['field_name'] == "Coupon") {
                   $coupon = $answer['answer'];
    	if ($coupon == "DISCOUNT10" || $coupon == "discount10") {
    		// If coupon code used, apply the appropriate price change
    		$price = $booking['booking_price'] - $discount;

    and added a custom field

    <tr><th scope='row'>#_FIELDNAME{9}:</th><td>#_FIELD{9}</td></tr>

    to my booking form. Where the fieldname 9 equals “Coupon”.

    Up to now I did nothing more, but there are no discounts made. Do I need anything else setup in order to get the calculation triggered?

    Many thanks!


    Did you register the action function using add_action? E.g.:
    add_action('eme_insert_rsvp_action', 'my_eme_discount_function',20,1);


    Yes it is also in the functions.php.

     * Add a hook for the Events Made Easy system to allow for coupon codes
    add_action('eme_insert_rsvp_action', 'my_eme_coupons',20,1);
     * Custom function to calculate coupon code discounts for events
    function my_eme_coupons($booking) {
    	global $wpdb;
    	$bookings_table = $wpdb->prefix.BOOKINGS_TBNAME;
    	$discount = 15;
    	$where = array();
    	$fields = array();
    	// Grab the coupon code from the extra answers
    	$event_id = $booking['event_id'];
    	$booking_id = $booking['booking_id'];
    	$answers = eme_get_answers($booking_id);
    	$coupon = "";
            foreach ($answers as $answer) {
                if ($answer['field_name'] == "Coupon") {
                   $coupon = $answer['answer'];
    	// As long as the coupon code isn't empty, look for matches
    	if ($coupon == "DISCOUNT10" || $coupon == "discount10") {
    		// If coupon code used, apply the appropriate price change
    		$price = $booking['booking_price'] - $discount;
    		$fields['booking_price'] = $price;
    		$where['booking_id'] = $booking['booking_id'];
    		$wpdb->update($bookings_table, $fields, $where);

    That is all I added!


    Then do a print_r($answer) in there to see what is in the $answer array (and a “die;” afterwards, so php won’t continue and you should be able to see what is being printed).


    Hello Franky,

    Many thanks! It’s solved! The issue was typo in the Formular field itself so it could not match… Thanks again!

    BTW: Is it possible to calculate the price with a discount of 10%?



    Sure it is, just change the line
    $price = $booking['booking_price'] - $discount;
    to be any formula you want.


    $price = $booking['booking_price'] - ( $booking['booking_price'] * ($discount / 100)); does the job 😀



    is there a way to compare the coupon code regardless of lower and upper chars?

    Will this work?

    $coupon = strtolower($coupon );
    if ($coupon == “discount10”)…

    As said before I’m not a programmer and I’m unsure if the code is PHP?



    I bet it could also be done vv with

    $coupon = strtoupper($coupon);
    if ($coupon == “DISCOUNT10″)…

    right? I did not tried it yet as my page is already live and currently I can’t test it!?


    Those are both valid ways of doing it 🙂


    Great to know I’ll implement it now!
    Thanks Frank!

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