Hi Franky,
per your suggestion I am submitting here the request we already discussed some in the wp-eme support forum.
How can we have a link that points to a cancelation page (including only a cancelation form) so as non-wp users can use it to cancel their registration and so automatically update the free seats of the event? the [eme_delete_booking_form] need a specific id so can’t be a solution when i want to use a link in both the automatic e-mails of me as well as the send emails from back end of eme. something similar to #_CANCEL_LINK or #_CANCEL_URL but for non-wp users. maybe the[eme_delete_booking_form] accepting a generic place holder like #_EVENTID, or #_THIS_EVENT_ID ?
Thank you in advance!
p.c: remember my temporary solution to this was: to add the cancelation form in the single event page and then use the link #_EVENTPAGEURL in my e-mails with instructions to them to scroll down to the end of the page and find and fill out the form. But in this way they go to through the registration form too and a lot of other information that exist in the single event page, which can be confusing for them. 🙂
Thank you in advance,