Events Made Easy Forums Feature requests Suggestion for another form of "multibooking" or "grouped seats"

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  • #57004

    Hi Franky,

    Would it be possible to group the vacant seats of an event and to limit the minimum and maximum number of seats to be booked per group? Or even (better?) min./max. booking per seat? Thoguht again about min./max. booking per place. If this could be implemented, than as an option. Grouping seats allows a better control of max. seats. Eventually it should decidable, which group determines the max. number of seats for the event. In my example the event should be sold out if group 1 is fully booked.


    Group 1, at least minimum 1 place, maximum 1 place to book
    SEAT1 10 seats
    SEAT2 10 seats
    SEAT3 20 seats

    Group 2, at least minimum 0 plac, maximum 2 places to book
    SEAT1 20 seats
    SEAT2 40 seats
    SEAT3 30 seats





    While EME currently can’t do this on its own, using the [eme_if] conditional tag you can check the number of seats booked in the first group and no longer show the form in the event all seats of group1 are taken.


    OK, i will try this out. Can this also solve the other requirement (group1 0/1 seat, group2 0/2 seats)? Because … i’m not a coder. 😉


    EME has a lot of filters and hooks that you can use, it all depends on the use case. Combined with conditional placeholders , you should be able to do what you want, but it’ll require some coding though.

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