Events Made Easy Forums How do I … Using checkbox instead of drop down for seat/space selection

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  • #57334

    Hi All,

    The system that we are designing allows to book only one seat/space per event/time, therefore there is no need for the number selection option (drop down menu). A simple checkbox against events/time slots (indicating 1 seat/space selection) would be best suited in this case, providing seats/spaces are counted and the quantity is updated on the system accordingly. Is this something that would be possible to do with EME?

    Thank you.


    Either you set the min and max seats both to “1” (then the seat selection should be hidden), or you can use the attendance-setting in the rsvp section for an event.


    Thank you, Franky.

    Attendance works great for single price/time events. It is even better than checkbox – no need to make selection at all. As for multi-price events, I understand that a checkbox cannot be used instead of the Yes/No drop down without code modification?

    It would be much appreciated if you could advise, perhaps point to some resources / examples, on how to address the multi-booking for a large number of recurrent events so that the procedure would be minimal i.e. not having to select each occurrence individually?

    Example: an event runs every working day. Customers need to be able to book a single occurrence as well as multiple (including multi-price) which may include all occurrences for the next week, month, year, predefined time period or from/to customer-defined dates.

    A desirable option is to be able to “Select All” in [This… Period] at [This… Time/Price].


    Multiprice and attendance don’t go together (kind of logical: attendance serves to indicate whether or not you will attend an event, not for a specific seat category).
    What you ask for is not doable right now, and would require a significant amount of time and effort …


    You can attend an event during specific time slots which could be multi-priced, so I would not say it is illogical.

    Multi-price and attendance actually seem to be working fine together. When “Only take attendance” is selected for a multi-price event, the drop down against each price/time slot changes from numbers to Yes/No (as I mentioned in my previous post). Since the drop down now represents just a True/False value, using a single checkbox may provide a better user experience.

    I did not ask for a solution, just to share an experience, if any, of possible architecture in such cases using this system within the currently available parameters. But thanks, anyway…


    The multiprice and attendance is indeed possible (since it is in fact just a 0/1), but I was talking about the rest of your request:

    “which may include all occurrences for the next week, month, year, predefined time period or from/to customer-defined dates.
    A desirable option is to be able to “Select All” in [This… Period] at [This… Time/Price].”

    That would require a lot of work …

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