CSV import countries/states

Importing countries into EME is done by using a CSV file? The csv delimiter and enclosure can be specified during import. If the delimeter value is empty, then “,” (comma) is taken as value. If the enclosure value is empty, then ‘”‘ (double quotes) is taken as value.
The first line should indicate the names of the columns being imported. Currently these names are recognized (unknown columns will be ignored):

There are 2 columns required: “name”,”alpha_2″. The name is pretty obvious, but alpha_2, alpha_3 and num_3 are in fact part of the IS0 3166-1 standard. For more info (and all valid options), see this wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1
The locale should either be left empty as a default/fallback, or a specific existing wordpress locale (like nl_NL, en_US, see https://translate.wordpress.org/ for the whole list).

A simple example of a CSV file:


An example countries CSV file can be downloaded here.

Importing states into EME is done by using a CSV file (csv delimiter and encloser can be specified during import).
The first line should indicate the names of the columns being imported. Currently these names are recognized (unknown columns will be ignored):

There are 3 columns required: “code”,”name”,”country_id”. The name is pretty obvious, but the state code is in fact part of the IS0 3166-2 standard. For more info (and all valid options), see this wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2
The country_id should be the id of a country already existing (or imported) in EME.

A simple example of a CSV file:

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