Events Made Easy Forums How do I … Choose payment options in bookingform

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  • #59976


    In advantage sorry for any bad English.

    I want my visitors to have two payment options. Payment via Mollie and offline payment.

    When I use it now, I see the bookingform where I can put my name, adress, etc in. Then I have to click submit and EME is taking me to the next page/message. On that page the user gets the option to click on the Mollie info and the tekst about making an offline payment.

    Is it pobbible, the user can decide to do mollie, or Offline payment in the bookingform and then get forwarded to the page with the choosen information? So not both.. but only Mollie payment.. or only the offline payment….

    Because then I can also split the emails which I am receiving after some one is booking a seat… into mollie payed.. or waiting payment.

    Probally its very simple but i cannot figure it out.

    Warm regards,



    Sorry, but that is indeed not possible. The offline payment option is indeed only text, so you can also add that text to the “Booking recorded message” if you want, or in the text aboe the Mollie button (also an option). But you can’t choose how to pay beforehand.


    ok thank you

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