Events Made Easy Forums Generic excerpt not showing

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  • #62820

    Under Settings > Events > Default event list format

    I have the following

    <li class="eventNew">
    <div class="eventNewThumb">#_EVENTIMAGE</div>
    <div class="postDetails">
    <h3> #_LINKEDNAME</h3>
    <h6>#j #M - #@j #@M #@Y @ #_LOCATIONNAME</h6>
    <a href="#_EVENTPAGEURL" class='exlink'>[read more...]</a>

    Everything here is displaying except the Excerpt. I tried swapping it for #_NOTES and #_EVENTDETAILS and none of them display.

    There is definitely text in the Event description field for the event. If I put in a different (I tested with #_AUTHOREMAIL for example) that field actually displayed in that spot. Help?


    Just tried your format and it works just fine here. Maybe your description is hidden? Is it generated in the html output on your page (and some css hides it)? Demo page?


    it’s not hidden via css or anything, it just does not print the info to the page

    here’s the page in question: (DELETED)
    and for funzies I added a class to the p tag wrapping the #_EXCERPT

    <p class="excerpt_should_be_here">#_EXCERPT</p>

    Ok, so i have no idea what I changed to achieve this but they’re showing now, When I started I had the events page chosen in the dropdown in the Settings > Events. I removed that and used the shortcode instead and the excerpt started showing. I then went back to the previous method of choosing the page via the dropdown in the settings and the excerpt is still showing.

    The weird thing is the excerpt is showing below the paragraph I added above, instead of inside it

    So I guess… fixed?

    (thank you for the quick response!)


    First, concerning the special events page indicated in the settings, please read the usage section (it explains what not to do with that page):

    Secondly, on your laout: the excerpt seemsto be encapsulated again in a p-tag, that’s why your browser shows it below your intented p-tag. Do a Ctrl-U on the page and you’ll see.
    Easiest in this case (wordpress adds the p-tag, you can remove it using some plugins) is to just mention #_EXCERPT and not use p-tags around it (or use div-tags around it, those are allowed to contain p-tags).


    Ok, that 2nd thing makes sense… i’ve seen it before but it hadn’t occured to me with this thing.

    I neglected to mention that I actually set this all up years ago (using the special events page) so I am familiar with how that option works. It was working fine until the client reported the problem a couple of days ago. So i’m guessing something went sideways in an update and simply resetting the options fixed the problem.


    Glad to hear it works again. Btw: you seem to have disabled the EME permalinks (setting “Enable event permalinks if possible?” in the EME options, tab “SEO”), maybe you should activate it to have nicer event links too (as is already the case for the rest of your site).


    oh, fixed, thanks!

    actually would it be possible to remove the link to the site from my above comment? I don’t think I am able to edit that comment anymore to do it myself


    Link deleted (although I’m a bit saddened that people don’t want to show off EME a bit more)

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