In case you don’t trust WP cron to process the queue, you can use a REST API call to do this. As an example, you can call:

curl --insecure --user "username:password" https://localhost/wordpress/wp-json/events-made-easy/v1/processqueue/60
  • don’t user –insecure for public sites, and change “https://localhost/wordpress” by your wordpress url
  • change the “username” by your user and the “password” by an application password generated in your WP user settings
  • “60” means the script can run at most for 55 seconds (=60-5, 5 being a safety measure). Never set this higher than your cron recurrence of course
  • set the timing option for queue processing to “not scheduled” in EME, so the two don’t interfere 🙂 But in fact: it doesn’t really matter: EME is resilient enough to cope with both at the same time (but better be safe than sorry).
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