Author name: Franky


[eme_tasks_signups] Returns a list of signups for event tasks. Accepts the following arguments: event_id: the ID of the event you want to show the bookings for. If not present, all future events with tasks activated will be chosen. The events matching this shortcode also get influenced by the [eme_filterform] shortcode template_id, template_id_header, template_id_footer (optional). These […]

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[eme_tasks_signupform] Returns a form where people can signup for event tasks. Accepts the following arguments: event_id: the ID of the event you want to show the bookings for. If not present, all future events with tasks activated will be chosen. The events matching this shortcode also get influenced by the [eme_filterform] shortcode. If your event

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[eme_person] Returns info of a person (or the person linked to the current logged in user if person_id is not provided). Accepts the following arguments: person_id: the ID of the EME person you want to show the info of. If not provided, the person linked to the current logged in user is used (if existing)

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Language support

EME by default supports multiple languages for the backend (typically called the “plugin” language, which follows the wordpress language). However, in the case some kind of language plugin is installed to help your site be multi-lingual, things become more difficult. Reason is that the RSVP form, mail templates, event titles, etc … all need to

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