Go in the EME events section and open up the import section there. Special care is to be taken when importing events, since many columns and properties exist, so importing events or locations takes time. Any suggestion or improvement to this doc is greatly appreciated.
Import events or locations
Importing events or locations into EME is done by using a CSV file. The csv delimiter and enclosure can be specified during import. If the delimeter value is empty, then “,” (comma) is taken as value. If the enclosure value is empty, then ‘”‘ (double quotes) is taken as value.
The first line should indicate the names of the columns being imported. Currently the names that are recognized (there are just too many columns to name them all) can best be found in the function eme_new_event in eme_events.php. Some (but not all) are: “event_name”,”event_status”,”event_start_date”,”event_start_time”,”event_end_date”,”event_end_time”,”event_notes” and “event_single_event_format”.
If you want to create a location at the same time, you can specify “location_name”,”location_address1″,”location_city” and other location info (all those can be found in the function eme_new_location in eme_locations.php). The 3 mentioned location columns are required if you want to create a new location. If not, you can specifiy “location_id” instead, pointing to an already existing location id.
For event import, there is only 1 column required: “event_name” (but see above for locations).
The column “event_status” should be “1” (public), “2” (private) or “5” (draft).
The columns “event_start_date” and “event_end_date” should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD
The columns “event_start_time” and “event_end_time” should be in the format HH:MM
Events and locations also have a lot of properties (in fact: those are just a new way of adding event properties without adding extra db columns). These can be found in the functions eme_init_event_props (in eme_events.php) and eme_init_location_props (in eme_locations.php).
Those can be imported by prepending the relevant property with ‘prop_’ (e.g. ‘prop_min_allowed’).
The same remark for properties also goes for attributes (but since attributes are defined a bit “at will”, there’s no function that lists these). Those can be imported by prepending the relevant property with ‘att_’ (e.g. ‘att_my_own_attributename’).
If you used custom fields in your events form, you can also import answers for those by adding columns named “answer_XX” with “XX” being either the id or the name of the corresponding custom field you want to import answers for.