

As the eme_rss_link template tag does, prints a link to the events RSS feed. Accepts the following parameters:

  • justurl If you set this property to true, the function only prints the RSS URL.
  • limit indicates the maximum number of events to display. Default is 5. If you give the value “0” there’s no limit.
  • scope lets you choose which events to show. The same values as for [eme_events] are possible.
  • order indicates indicates the order of the events. Choose between ASC (ascendant, default) and DESC (descendant).
  • echo indicates whether the list should be printed (true) or just returned (false). This option should be ignored, unless you know what you are doing.
  • category limits the events shown to those of a certain category ID. You can specify multiple categories for AND and OR limitations: “1,3” for events in category 1 OR 3, “1+3” for events in category 1 AND 3
  • author limits the events shown to those of a certain author (loginname). You can specify multiple authors for OR limitations: “admin,admin2” for events created by user admin OR user admin2
  • contact_person limits the events shown to those of a certain contact person (loginname). You can specify multiple contact persons for OR limitations: “admin,admin2” for events where user admin OR user admin2 is the contact person.
  • location_id limits the events shown to those of a certain location ID.
  • title sets an optional different title for the RSS feed than the one specified in the settings
  • text sets an optional different text for the link (if justurl is not used). The default is ‘RSS’
  • show_ongoing show_ongoing to indicate you want the scopes to include end dates (ongoing events) upon evaluation (like e.g. future events include events starting in the past, but ending in the future), or just the start date. Default: 1

Some examples:
[eme_rss_link limit=20]
[eme_rss_link scope=2010-00-00--2010-12-31 limit=0]
[eme_rss_link scope=0000-04 limit=0]
[eme_rss_link category=1,3] (gets you the list of future events in categories with ID 1 OR 3)
[eme_rss_link category=1+3] (gets you the list of future events in categories with ID 1 AND 3)
[eme_rss_link author=admin45] (gets you the list of future events created by user admin45)

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