Events Made Easy Forums Generic Add record name to delete record popup

  • This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #59295

    Since this operation is NOT reversible (unlike the built-in post WP functionality which just sends to Trash) just to make sure the user has not clicked the wrong record, the confirm delete popup should definitely include the name of the record so the user knows what he is deleting.


    Just to be clear, there was no indication of the record in question on the Templates list page.


    You can also delete a whole bunch of records in one go, telling the record name would be pointless. It only deletes the records you selected, do visual confirmation is already present.
    But I don’t really understand your remark about the record indication on the template page.


    There was no highlight or any other indication for me when deleting records on the Templates list. Safari 12.0.1 MacOS


    I get a popup when using the trashcan-image or when selecting multiple records and selecting the bulk action to delete those. Do both not present a popup? Because certainly the bulk-option does not proceed without approval, the trashbin-image thingie is from inside jtables javascript itself and might not show a popup in your case.


    Hi Franky—

    Okay, that helped me narrow down the issue. This is definitely a bug in my opinion, but I should have laid out the exact steps for you. Sorry about that.

    The trashcan can be selected WITHOUT checking the checkbox (and thereby highlighting the selected row). So, just go to the Templates list (or probably any EME list with trashcan icons) and click any trashcan. The delete confirmation dialog pops up and in that moment, the user has no way to know whether he clicked the correct icon or not.

    Imo, the best solution is probably that clicking the trashcan should highlight the row (and probably check the checkbox for good measure). On cancel, the selection should also go away.


    The trashcan is also present for other admin sections 🙂
    But I added extra confirmation to most, see


    Thanks Franky, displaying the record name is probably better UX and it was what I was originally expecting to see.

    I might as well inform you about a small CSS/display bug in the X close button as well.

    Safari MacOS

    X button display error

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