Events Made Easy Forums Generic bookingform displays when no seats available

  • This topic has 13 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 13 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #43720

    Hi Franky,

    I have an event that is fully booked, but is displaying the entire booking form – with an empty seats dropdown.

    I thought I remembered that it used to display a relevant message in this case. I’ve searched the forum but haven’t found any help as yet. Am I remembering this correctly?

    Here’s a link if you want to see it:



    What’s the minimum number of seats people can book (EME setting)? Normally, it should display “booking no longer possible” or so.


    Right… that sounds familiar! I think I now recall that I had this problem earlier and the EME setting was ‘0’ then, but I just checked and it is currently ‘1’.

    In the meantime… would you believe my client just asked me to increase the spaces available for that class?

    OK, so I setup the situation on my testsite to try it again… same result (which it should be… EME versions match). When I try to submit the registration in this case, it says ‘Please fill in a correct number of spaces to reserve’.

    I imagine I’ve made some mistake, but what? 🙂

    Here’s the testsite event, in case you want to see for yourself – you can try submitting if you want:


    Well, I saw on your form that the number of entries was “” where it should’ve been “0”. Which version are you using? On my test setup using current code it seems to be working ok.


    Franky – I forgot I had downloaded a version in mid-January to test that formattable booking msg, so I just downloaded the newest development pkg and tried it again. Same result: though 0 seats remain, the form displays – but with an empty dropdown.

    I wondered about different browsers (I use Chrome), so I checked them all – with similar but different results. I’m sending you an email with screen clips from each.

    When you say yours is working ok, do you mean that you get a msg saying ‘booking no longer possible’?

    Edit: just to clarify… my live site has your current production release… test site has current development release


    Yes, I get the booking full message, if I set the minimum number of seats to something larger than 0. If not, the dropdown shows but with choice “0” only.


    My minimum seats option is ‘1’.

    Just to clarify: the shortcode #_ADDBOOKINGFORM is what causes the check on # seats available… right? So just putting that, alone, in the format is all I need to do… correct?


    yes, that’s correct. Maybe make a diff between your installed version and the current dev version? Because everywhere I check in my code, the number of seats to book in the form should always be a number, not an empty string …


    AHA… found it!

    Since I just reinstalled the dev version on my test site the other day, I couldn’t see how code could be the culprit. Kept looking at all the EME settings, thinking it MUST be something lurking there. Noticed that my ‘maximum seats’ option was blank (as it has always been), so tried entering something there, and VOILA!

    Thanks for your attention… glad it was only user error. 🙂


    Hmmm … so I must do something about that 🙂

    The reason is this code deciding not to show the booking form any more:

    if ($max == 0 && $max_allowed>0) {

    It should be:

    if ($max == 0 && $min_allowed>0) {

    The reasoning being: if the max number of seats left to book is 0 (the max already takes the max seats allowed to book into account) and it is required that you at least book 1 place (min allowed), don’t show the form any more.



    Sorry for the delay… we lost our internet access yesterday. Back in business now… just checked out your change and it works perfectly!


    glad you found it again 🙂


    just call me ‘super sleuth’

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