Events Made Easy Forums Generic Calendar/Map Error

  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #42557

    I have read in the FAQ and the forums about the WP_header() and WP_footer() tags before the </body> entry. My theme does have those but the calendar isn’t progressing to the next month, nor will Google maps show up in an event post. I also tried using the Enable JavaScript feature in settings. That breaks the theme and in the end doesn’t fix the calendar or Google posting.

    Any Suggestions?

    Note: I am using WordPress 3.0.5, Started out there so don’t know if it is a compatibility issue or just the them.


    You have an error in your theme, blocking all other javascript from being executed:

    $ is not a function
    Line 33


    I have a similar issue. After updating WP to 3.1 and updating EME to the latest version, the map is not displaying (green square of death) and the calendar does not increment. I was not having this problem until I did the upgrade. So I do not believe there is an error in the theme..

    No Map:

    Calendar page:

    Any suggestions?


    Ooops! Never mind! I feel like a real bonehead here.. Re-checked settings and found a setting that had returned to default (always us JS in header). Sorry…

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