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  • #42159

    I’m trying to add a new location but it won’t let me. I enter all the location details and click on the Add Location button, but it just goes to a blank screen with the /wp-admin/admin.php suffix.

    (When I’m trying to add the location I also notice that the google map isn’t appearing properly.)


    Now this is a bug 🙂 Onto it …


    Apparently adding/deleting locations directly was broken because I tried to be correct using “POST” in forms. Anyway … it should be fixed in trunk. If you want the latest version for this file:


    (http://plugins.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/299605/events-manager-extended/trunk/eme_locations.php for the changes)


    Thanks. Uploaded new eme_locations.php and it’s working. Brilliant!


    adding a new location seems to be broken in the new version as well

    i get this after hitting the add location button:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: array_walk_recursive() in /home/www/web45/html/ekiztest/wp-content/plugins/events-manager-extended/events-manager.php on line 885


    Here you go: http://php.net/manual/en/function.array-walk-recursive.php

    Make sure you have php 5 going on there …


    I have the same issue when adding a location or amending the examples:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: array_walk_recursive() in /freeola/users/3/6/sr1113063/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/events-manager-extended/events-manager.php on line 982

    Freeola’s standard hosting servers currently support both PHP 4 and 5 which is what I am on.

    I had to add “event_category_ids” to the events database before I could add an event.

    Thanks, Aspirin


    If your php version doesn’t know array_walk_recursive, you’re not running php5 … create a php script and call “phpinfo();” in it, call it via a web browser and see what version is returned then.


    I’ve verified that I am running PHP 5, but I am also getting this error any time I attempt to update a location I already have in the database.

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: array_walk_recursive() in ~~mysiteURL~~/wp-content/plugins/events-manager-extended/events-manager.php on line 1175


    Most people think they run php 5, but some providers still use php4. Just create a small php file with contents:

    <?php phpinfo(); ?>

    browse to it via your site and see what it returns

    For the prove that it is in standard php: http://php.net/manual/en/function.array-walk-recursive.php

    and here they mention even in the top that it is php 5 only:


    and google mentions it a lot as well …


    I had already double-checked the version running on the server using the phpinfo(); method and it returned PHP Version 5.2.9. Any other ideas? I could send you a link to temporarily look at the readout from my phpinfo(); if you think that would help you spot a configuration issue.

    I had previously had a version of Events Manager installed and it started to act strangely, giving me parsing errors and not allowing new locations. That’s when I switched to Events Manager Extended, which seems to have fixed any parsing errors I was getting—but I’m still having trouble with locations. I have three clients wanting to use this functionality right now, and the newest seems to be working just fine (there is no actual data in their system yet, but my tests are not producing errors on that site—with the same system configuration as the other two).




    are you sure it uses php5? Did you put the phpinfo script in the wordpress dir and call it via your browser there? If, please do mail me the url for that at: liedekef [at] telenet.be


    Thank you for insisting that I keep looking at the PHP version. When I uploaded the .php file with the phpinfo(); function call, I realized I was actually uploading it to what I thought was an identical server environment, so I made sure I put the file on the correct web server. Sure enough, that particular account was processing .php files with PHP 4 instead of 5. I switched that setting (since both are on available to the server) and the issue was RESOLVED.



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