
  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #42033

    Me again, hopefully this is the last time I have to bother you! I’m using

    <?php dbem_get_events_list("limit=2&scope=today&category=1"); ?>

    To display my first category and

    <?php dbem_get_events_list("limit=1&category=2&scope=today"); ?>

    For my second. I added one to each category but the first shows both and the second shows only the first I added, basically the category arguement is being ignored. any thoughts on what I’m doing wrong here?

    You can see the result on http://www.ethansenglishcafe.com


    Confirmed as bug: if you use scope=today, the sql query built is not correct. To fix:

    dbem_events.php, around line 791, search for:

    if ($scope == "today")
    $conditions [] = " (event_start_date like '$today') OR (event_start_date <= '$today' AND event_end_date >= '$today')";

    and change into:

    if ($scope == "today")
    $conditions [] = " (event_start_date like '$today' OR (event_start_date <= '$today' AND event_end_date >= '$today'))";

    (fix will also be in next version)


    perfect! Once again thanks for your great work and fast responses!

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