Events Made Easy Forums Bug fixed or feature request implemented Documentation "true" and "false" Mistakes?

  • This topic has 15 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #42314


    “eventful: if set to true, only locations with events planned will be shown. Default: false.”

    Setting eventful=true doesn’t work, but setting eventful=1 does, so it seems that the documentation should be changed to:

    “eventful: if set to 1 only locations with events planned will be shown. Default: 0.”

    Or alternatively the code could be changed to support “true” and “false”.


    Fixed in trunk so it should now support true/false (next to 1/0), please do verify.

    But in fact I’m a bit unsure what the best solution is: true/false or 1/0 …


    As a coder I prefer 1/0, but their meanings may not be clear to some users.


    I have entered 33 locations at an EME test website. I am displaying a locations map on a WordPress page by means of this shortcode:

    [locations_map eventful=1 width=900 height=675]

    All 33 locations are listed below the map, but markers for only the first 12 locations display on the map. A popup info-box displays with a pointer to the location if I click any of the 33 locations in the list, but map markers for 21 of the locations never display.


    While attempting to troubleshoot this limitation on my own I discovered that three map markers are obscured behind other markers and that 15 markers are actually being painted on the map. I also found this line of JavaScript code which seems to allow space for only 15 markers:

    var letters = new Array(‘A’,’B’,’C’,’D’,’E’,’F’,’G’,’H’,’I’,’J’,’K’,’L’,’M’,’N’,’O’);

    Is there are reason for that particular limit?


    I experimentally expanded the Array() declaration in eme_location_map.js as shown below, which causes markers for all 33 locations to display.

    var letters = new Array(‘A’,’B’,’C’,’D’,’E’,’F’,’G’,’H’,’I’,’J’,’K’,’L’,’M’,’N’,’O’,’P’,’Q’,’R’,’S’,’T’,’U’,’V’,’W’,’X’,’Y’,’Z’,’AA’,’AB’,’AC’,’AD’,’AE’,’AF’,’AG’);

    However, there will be significantly more than 33 locations in my application. Unless there is a consideration that I am not aware of it seems better to have the array automatically grow in size as needed to accommodate the actual number of locations.


    I have read Google Maps Javascript API V3.2 Reference documentation since posting the message above and learned that simply expanding the array size as I did above is not the correct way to display a large number of markers. Even if it was, it would not be as good to have a large number of markers identified with an alphabetic series such as X, Y, Z, AA, AB, AC, etc. as with a numeric integer count.


    This discussion should be in a seperate post, but anyway: I build the images for the location markers with these letters:

    var letter = letters;

    customIcon = “” + letter + “.png”;

    and replacing this by a number doesn’t work. These are the ones given by google:

    So if I want to display more than 26 icons, this requires custom icons then.

    Also: the limit is in fact from the old version, I bumped it to 26 (A-Z) for now in trunk.


    I just read up on some stuff, and found that using the Marker Manager might be the way to go:

    or to keep things simple: the same marker for every event, and then add/code the ability to add a custom marker for an event


    I agree this discussion should be in a separate thread. My investigation of the problem I was having with some locations not showing on the map grew out of my discovery of the previously resolved “true” and “false” issue which is why I continued with it here.

    I have started a new thread:


    Btw, did you check/text if 1/0 and true/false now both work?


    I just checked and found that 1 and true display different sets of locations. However, I am not sure that I am using your latest code. I will download from the trunk and re-test.


    I just updated from the trunk and now neither:

    [locations_map eventful=1 width=900 height=675]


    [locations_map eventful=true width=900 height=675]

    displays a map. There is nothing but white space in the rectangle where the map should be.

    P.S. I will be gone the next hour or so, but will check back after that to see if you would like me to help troubleshoot.


    That might be related to something else. I’ll try here (sometimes I’m just too lazy 🙂 )


    Ok, new code in trunk: since I moved the javascript to the footer and only include it when needed, I needed to indicate for the locations_map shortcode that we need the javascript as well.

    For the code:

    Edit: tested also and it works 🙂


    Yes, that works.

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