Events Made Easy Forums Bug fixed or feature request implemented EME widget (or WordPress?) bug "List header format"

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  • #42566


    Seems there’s a bug (in WordPress or EME, I’m not sure) with the “List header format” field in the EME widget. I crammed quite a bit of text in there — and when I save changes to the widget and refresh a blog page it renders fine, but the next time I go back to edit the widget, part of the text from the “List header format” field kind of “spills out” onto the page, and the text in the box is truncated at the first " to appear in the text box.

    Here’s a screenshot of what I mean, explains it a bit better.

    That’s the result of entering the following text into the “List header format” field:

    <p>For a full list please see our <a href="/current-upcoming/">Current & Upcoming</a> and <a href="/applications/">Applications</a> pages.</p><ul class="keyinfo">

    The full text that remains in the text box after I reload the widget editor is:

    <p>For a full list please see our <a href=

    Like I said, I can still paste the full text I want into the “List header format” box, save it, and it works fine, it’s just if I go back to edit it that there’s problems.

    EDIT: I should note that something similar occurred when I had only <ul class="keyinfo"> in the text box.


    It’s probably an issue with the use of double quotes. I’ll try to reproduce this


    You’re right – using single quotes fixes this. I’ve always used double quotes out of habit, except when defining attributes for HTML elements contained in PHP strings (so I don’t have to concatenate or escape every time I use a "). I guess something like that is happening here?


    Can you see if this fixes it for you:


    Fixed! Thanks so much.


    To both poisontofu and Franky,

    This same fix worked for me in a different situation. I put this in an attribute:

    Click <a href="">here</a> to register.

    and just like poisontofu’s example, after an edit it looked like this and quit working (of course):

    Click <a href=

    Changing the double quotes to singles made it work… thank you both!


    If this is the case, it’s a bug 🙂

    Moving to bugs again until fixed.

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