Events Made Easy Forums Generic Entering new starting dates

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  • #43553

    I cannot enter new dates anymore. It doesn’t display the calender. and the locationmaps display green


    Check your browser for javascript errors, probably a theme thing or another plugin is causing this.


    I did checked my browser, delete cache and did let Safari set-up again and I tried Firefox. My problem however occured after changing “something’ in the event settings:



    <th> Workshop </td>

    <th> Plaats </td>

    <th> Start datum</td>

    <th> Aantal dagdelen </td>

    <th> Vervolg data</td>


    <th> Kosten </td>

    <th> Vol?</th>




    <td>#_TOWN </td>

    <td>#j #M #Y </td>

    <td>#_ATT{Aantal dagdelen}{n.v.t.}</td>

    <td>#_ATT{vervolg data}{n.v.t.}</td>


    <td width=”80″>#_ATT{Kosten}{n.v.t.}</td>

    <td>[events_if tag="#ESC_AVAILABLESPACES" value="0"] <h4><span class=”Apple-style-span” style=”color: #333333; font-size: 14px; line-height: 21px;”><span style=”color: #ff0000;”>VOL</span> [/events_if]</td>


    above is the current content. Now I cannot enter new (or existing Att tags and cannot enter new dates (The calender doesn’t pop-up

    and I do see 4 boxes to ener dates for repeating events. I even cannot close the window for repeating events


    Try closing the “h4” html-tag


    I suppose you mean delete <h4>. This doesn’t work


    and also close the second span-tag


    Something like this:

    <td>[events_if tag="#ESC_AVAILABLESPACES" value="0"] <span class=”Apple-style-span” style=”color: #333333; font-size: 14px; line-height: 21px;”>VOL</span> [/events_if]</td>


    seems not working. Maybe I didn’t make it clear enough. When making a new event or edit an old one, entering starting dates doesn,t let a calender show, I see 4 boxes insteed of 2 (as far as I remember) to enter more dates. I cannot close the window showing repeating events.

    I can make a screenshot. If so: how do I upload it to you?


    and..not to forget that I cannot enter a new location. Green screen


    Could this be the key of a solution Franky?? How do I open the index.php page. Still strange to me ’cause this was never the case before..

    I call that Green Screen of DeathTM, but it’s quite easy to fix your issue. If you see that green background, your theme has a little problem that should be fixed. Open the header.php page of your theme; if your theme hasn’t any header.php page, just open the index.php page and/or any page containing the <head> section of the html code. Make sure that the page contains a line with wp_head(); inside php tags.

    If your page(s) doesn’t contain such line, add it just before the line containing </head>. Now everything should work right.

    For curiosity’s sake, wp_head(); is an action hook, that is a function call allowing plugins to insert their stuff in WordPress pages; if you’re a theme maker, you should make sure to include wp_head() and all the necessary hooks in your theme, inside php tags.

    I,m a little relugtant to set delete EME to YES. That means that I have to re enter al the dates and notes etc of my events isn.t it !!


    No, your issue comes from the fact that the html you use is not correct. This part:

    <th> Workshop </td>
    <th> Plaats </td>
    <th> Start datum</td>
    <th> Aantal dagdelen </td>
    <th> Vervolg data</td>
    <th> Kosten </td>
    <th> Vol?</th>

    should be used in the setting “Default event list format header”. And even there: <th>-tags are closed by </th>, not </td>

    This part:

    <tr><td>[events_if tag="#ESC_AVAILABLESPACES" value="0"] <span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: #333333; font-size: 14px; line-height: 21px;">VOL</span> [/events_if]</td></tr>

    should be in the setting “Default event list format”

    And the setting “Default event list format footer” should close the table

    Check your generated html-output and you’ll see the difference.


    Wait, you have problems when entering a new event? Then the settings page doesn’t even matter.

    Things to answer/check/do:

    – Check your browser for javascript errors.

    – Did you switch to another jquery engine?

    – Try using the default theme



    Not only entering new alsos editing excisting events

    I did checked my browser Safari and I also used Firefox. no improvement

    I didn’t switched to another jqueere engine

    I didn’t try another theme.

    As far as I know the problem was there suddenly, I only changed the setting page

    Does the error that I cannot close the window to set repeating events ring a bell?


    Well, I can’t say for sure. Can you mail an admin account to ?


    Check your email


    Fix this JS error please:

    $ is not a function


    ==> probably (as I said) another plugin is causing this. Upgrade the plugins you can, see if that fixes it, if not: disable all plugins and enable one by one until you find the guilty one.


    Franky, a plugin did caused this issue (showbox). Thanks for solving this so rapidly

    (by the way: where can I fix th JS error??)


    If it’s a plugin: talk to the creator of that plugin. He/she/they should fix it.

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