Events Made Easy Forums How do I … Events Page Pointing to a Calendar that lists Events Not the Events Kist

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    The Events page “Events” was going to the list of events.
    Events page title: Classes The “Classes” page is showing “No events scheduled.” it was showing the three events I have scheduled. I played with that page trying to see what might have changed, now the only thing on the page is [eme_events]
    If I check the WordPress page “Events” it is blank except for the header. If I test the page it renders url “\events” with a calendar with a link to the event. I don’t believe the classes page ever rendered a calendar in the past. From the EME Events Page “View Event” renders properly. We just got the hosting site to update PHP though I expect that is irrelevant.




    Read this on the special events page:

    and also the changelog entry from 2019/05/03:

    * Add an option that influences whether or not a list of events should be shown on the default special events page.
    This complements the option to show a calendar on the default special events page.
    It is recommended to leave this option off and use placeholders on regular wordpress pages instead.


    Where I got stuck after reading that first and my apologies for not saying that I had.
    I have a regular WordPress Page named “Events” and in the WordPress dashboard sidebar there are three event items.

    I think you are saying the WordPress “Events” page is the “Special page” that should be blank. Mine is blank. The classes page has a single line placeholder while I’m trying to figure this out: [eme_events]

    I’m “assuming” the three sidebar “Events” do not have anything to do with EME. One is “WP-Events”, the second is Events with a square calendar icon, and the third is an Events with a shield icon. Is this correct they are not EME?

    Wordpress dashboard sidebar There are two other “Events.”
    One has a square calendar icon. the second has a shield icon.


    I’m not sure what you mean here … EME has a menu on its own in the wordpress admin interface (icon is calendar-like). Maybe you have other event-like plugins installed.
    Concerning events: EME has a SEO structure too, and that takes precedence over any page in wordpress that might have the same permalink. You can set the EME permalink settings in the EME options menu.


    Frankie, thanks so much, I’ve fixed it. At least one of the other two event managers, both unused to what I could determine asking other users, had codes similar to EME. I removed them both and, YEA, success. Who knows what the conflict may have been, but my sidebar now only shows EME as an event manager. Sorry to have bothered you.



    Thanks again. I had worked the SEO settings. Very helpful for us users, EME is very clearly marked in the admin interface. I didn’t realize at first the other “Event” icons were plug-ins. I’ve never seen a clean WordPress installation and so I “assumed” the Events were a part of WordPress. Poorly marked, bad programming.

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