Events Made Easy Forums Bug fixed or feature request implemented [events_if] – value:notvalue :: contains:???

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #42560

    (Hope I’m not posting too much – just noting issues/questions as I come across them)

    When using conditional tags to check the values of event attributes, is there a way to check if an attribute (in my case, #_CATEGORIES) does not contain a particular value?

    [events_if tag="#_CATEGORIES" contains="Application"] <li>This is an Application</li> [/events_if] works as expected. Using examples in the documentation, [events_if tag="#_CATEGORIES" notvalue="Application"] <li>This is NOT an Application</li> [/events_if] is as close as I can get to checking if an event is not in the “Application” category.

    This works fine for events that are in the “Application” category only, but fails for events that are in multiple categories including “Application”.

    Is there a workaround for this?


    Has been implemented in trunk, see:


    Fantastic, thankyou! Very useful.

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