Events Made Easy › Forums › Bug fixed or feature request implemented › Group recurring events
Tagged: event, group, list, recurring, recurring events
- This topic has 39 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 7 months ago by
Wed 1 Dec 2010 at 05:28 #42261
InactiveIs it possible to create a recurring event but display it (shortcode / template tag / or via the widget) in a manner where a recurring event only shows up once rather then as a separate listing for each day of the event?
So, instead of:
Event Title
Dec 22
Event Title
Dec 23
Event Title
Dec 24
It would be:
Event Title
Dec 22 – Dec. 24
Wed 1 Dec 2010 at 07:51 #45476Franky
KeymasterSorry, not possible for now.
Fri 21 Jan 2011 at 17:02 #45477Anonymous
InactiveAny movement on this? This is a huge frustration for my clients as it lists
out on a daily basis.
Any workaround?
Fri 21 Jan 2011 at 17:21 #45478Franky
KeymasterAlready implemented in the current released version (from 3.1.3 onwards), see the showperiod option for the [events_list] shortcode (, eg:
[events_list showperiod=monthly]
[events_list showperiod=daily]
Fri 21 Jan 2011 at 17:50 #45479Anonymous
InactiveCool! Is it available within the widget too?
-or- at least in a straight non-shortcode <?Php call?
Fri 21 Jan 2011 at 18:31 #45480Franky
Keymasternope, just the shortcode. In the next version you can however use a wordpress filter to customize the list of events to your liking … and more.
Fri 21 Jan 2011 at 18:41 #45481Franky
KeymasterAnd: you can use the shortcodes in a widget as well, if you install another plugin:
Maybe I’ll add it to my plugin as an option as well … I’ll code it up this weekend 🙂
Fri 21 Jan 2011 at 20:22 #45482Anonymous
InactiveYou are the man! Really liking the new changes, etc.
Please let me know. I’ll try the shortcode method.
Fri 21 Jan 2011 at 20:31 #45483Anonymous
InactiveThat method worked for the shortcode but I really need it for the plugin as I list the events differently for those 2 views. Thanks!
Sat 22 Jan 2011 at 01:10 #45484Franky
KeymasterAin’t going to happen any time soon … it generates html code for that specific view, so if you want it yourself via api calls: either call eme_get_events (with which you can do just about everything) or use the filtering provided with the next release.
Or if you’re talking about the widget: next release probably 😉
Sat 22 Jan 2011 at 13:53 #45485Anonymous
InactiveYes.. Widget listed by Monthly view.. or rolling up recurring events into one listing is what is needed.
The problem is when you have an event spanning a is listed 7 times.
Sat 22 Jan 2011 at 14:36 #45486Franky
KeymasterFor the [events_list] shortcode: see the option “long_events”: it disables the effect of showing an event spanning several days several times.
For the widget: you can use text widgets, so add a widget with the shortcode of your choice.
But: I added it as an option for the events_list widget in trunk, so you can now use showperiod there.
Sun 23 Jan 2011 at 05:15 #45487Anonymous
InactiveAWESOME! I will check it out.
Mon 28 Feb 2011 at 20:38 #45488Anonymous
InactiveHi – first, I just wanted to say this is the best calendaring solution and so I bought you a big cup of coffee. 🙂
I tried the options for showperiod and long_events, but that still isn’t grouping recurring events for me.
I have an event that runs every Saturday and Sunday for a couple of months.
In the event listing in admin, the recurrence is shown: From 2011-02-12 to 2011-04-02, Saturday and Sunday
So when I show a weekly listing of events, I don’t need to repeat the whole thing twice – once for Sunday and once for Saturday
I know this is difficult, but is there a way that instead of:
Arizona Renaissance Festival
27 February 2011
10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Arizona Renaissance Festival
5 March 2011
10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
that the events list could show:
Arizona Renaissance Festival
27 February, 5 March
10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Mon 28 Feb 2011 at 21:02 #45489Franky
KeymasterNope, it doesn’t do that for recurring events. You can try to achieve this using the provided filters:
Btw: thank for the coffee 🙂
Fri 22 Jul 2011 at 16:43 #45490Anonymous
InactiveI am new to your plugin… still only in the testing stage and training my client. Question: I just want to clarify the solution to wputler’s issue, as I have the same one. Don’t want to set everything up one way, and find out later there was a better way!
I have an event that occurs every Wed thru Sat, for a duration of 7 weeks. My user doesn’t want to see the individual days listed… wants to see 1 event for the Wed-Sat span, for each of the 7 weeks.
To accomplish that I am adding an event for the 1st week, Wed-Sat, NO recurrence.
Then I am copying that event and creating 6 more for the succeeding weeks.
Is this the best approach, or is there a better one?
Thanks in advance for any advice!
Fri 22 Jul 2011 at 18:54 #45491Anonymous
InactiveJust thought of one other FYI in regards to my previous post… my example above is an exhibit which will be on display for the full 7 weeks. The reason I don’t just put the overall begin/end dates in 1 event is that it would show up on the calendar on days that the arts center is NOT ‘officially’ open (Sun-Tue).
I would just hide those days completely – but there are some events that occur on the normal closed dates, so the full week needs to be displayed.
Sun 24 Jul 2011 at 09:59 #45492Franky
KeymasterYou can choose to show events on only the first day, just read the docs first
Wed 27 Jul 2011 at 10:57 #45493Anonymous
InactiveThat didn’t address my question… I understand that you can show the event on only the first day; that’s not the issue.
If you have a moment, look at this site: On the Happenings widget, the Abstraction exhibit is an example. It is displaying there, and on the Calendar, exactly the way the client wants. BUT, in order to get that result I had to setup the event as described above – individual events each week, spanning Wed-Sat. The ‘copy’ option saved me on the front end (thank you), but if I have to make any changes to the event details – what a pain!
Was just wondering if I’ve missed some approach that would have made this easier.
The ideal solution, perhaps for your wishlist: setup an event that occurs a span of days that repeats for X weeks, like this exhibit on Wed-Sat for 6 weeks.
Wed 27 Jul 2011 at 11:16 #45494Anonymous
InactiveOR, more ideal: rather than a recurring event… ONE event that, as in this case, begins on 07/20 and ends on 08/27 – but only on Wed-Sat
Wed 27 Jul 2011 at 13:42 #45495Franky
KeymasterI see now what you mean: the current implementation of recurring events only allows for one-day events.
Thu 28 Jul 2011 at 12:05 #45496Franky
KeymasterIn trunk there’s now a new feature: recurrent events can span multiple days. Please do try it out.
Sat 30 Jul 2011 at 20:22 #45497Anonymous
InactiveThis sounds exciting, but I ran into a few problems implementing the shortcodes to achieve the solution to the problem joelmooney described. When I use [events_list showperiod=monthly], I still see each occurrence of a recurring event in my event list. The only difference is that they are now listed under months. Can someone tell me which combination of shortcodes would group recurring the events the first poster described?
One more even more obtuse question: how do I try features that are “in the trunk?”
Sat 30 Jul 2011 at 21:01 #45498Franky
KeymasterDownload the development version from here:
but be warned: it’s the development version. Best to try it out in a controlled environment, it can eat your computer 🙂
Sat 30 Jul 2011 at 21:05 #45499Anonymous
InactiveI see. Thanks! I’m such a novice at this. Maybe I should use it on my older computer!
Anyway, I’ll check it out.
I don’t know if you or someone else can recommend the proper use of shortcodes to solve the problem the first poster mentioned. When I use [events_list showperiod=monthly], I still see each occurrence of a recurring event in my event list. The only difference is that they are now listed under months. Can someone tell me which combination of shortcodes would group recurring the events the first poster described?
Sat 30 Jul 2011 at 21:49 #45500Franky
KeymasterIf it is an event happening each day, it will be shown on each and every day that it happens. If it is an event spanning multiple days and you only want to show it on the first day it happens, use the option “long_events=0”.
Mon 1 Aug 2011 at 13:16 #45501Anonymous
InactiveAh, thanks for the clarification, Franky. I appreciate it.
Sat 13 Aug 2011 at 20:40 #45502Anonymous
In response to your post above (“In trunk there’s now a new feature: recurrent events can span multiple days. Please do try it out.”)… I just tried this (a bit delayed… have been on vacation) using your dev. package, and it’s not quite what I was thinking about.
You can check out how it displays on the testsite ( where I setup 2 test events – one entitled ‘test exhibit-event date week span: w-s, recur date 1st-last, weekly, w-t-f-s’ which has the event date set to a 4-day span (wed-sat, 08/17-08/20) and the other entitled ‘test exhibit-event date 1st day only, recur date 1st-last, weekly, w-t-f-s’ where the event date is just the 1st day (wed, 08/17). All other data is the same for the 2 events – recur dates 08/17 thru 10/01; weekly, every 1 week; wed, thu, fri, sat.
The real event ‘Abstraction’ that I mentioned in my first post is also on the testsite.
Thank you for your effort, but it doesn’t address my requirement – unless I’ve missed something in how I defined the event criteria?
Sat 13 Aug 2011 at 21:03 #45503Franky
KeymasterYour “requirement” was to show an recurrent event only on the starting day, even when it spans multiple days. That’s what I understood, and that’s what’s possible now. You need to play with “long_events” and “show_ongoing” (new feature in trunk).
Tue 16 Aug 2011 at 13:35 #45504Anonymous
InactiveShowing a recurrent event that spans multiple days, only on the starting date, was part of it… the other more major request (in my mind) was as you noted: ‘In trunk there’s now a new feature: recurrent events can span multiple days. Please do try it out.’ I believe there are some issues with this feature… it’s much more easily ‘seen’ than ‘explained’.
Results can be viewed in Happenings widget, but it’s easier to see in a separate list. Of my 2 test events above, I changed the 2nd one to a different category so it can be displayed separately (now titled ‘test camp-event date 1st day only, recur date 1st-last, weekly, w-t-f-s’)… click Learn/Camps for it, and Exhibits for the 1st one.
Exhibits ex: this one has the event date spanning 4 days. The generated events are incorrect as each ‘day’ of the event gets 4 days added to it (i.e., the 2nd day has 4 days added – so we’re into the 5th day…).
Camps ex: this one has the event date set to just the 1st day. This approach results in events on the correct days, but I can’t see how to accurately reflect that it spans 4 days, just once. The Abstraction exhibit and Keyboard classes are both real examples of this.
The Calendar is another way to get a quick, clear picture of what’s been generated.
Sorry to be so verbose… obviously brevity isn’t one of my strong suits!
Thanks for your attention.
Tue 16 Aug 2011 at 14:12 #45505Franky
KeymasterDid you try adding “long_events=0” as an option to [events_list] for the Camps example?
For the rest: I really should see the events themselves and the [events_list] instances used, so I can reproduce it. Could you give me a temporary admin account?
My email:
Tue 16 Aug 2011 at 14:53 #45506Franky
KeymasterI corrected your “Exhibits” example: you had the recurrence set to “recur” every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday each week, while the event also takes 4 days. This results in an event on Wednesday for 4 days, on Thursday for 4 days etc …
So I changed it to only happen on Wednesday and now it probably shows what you want.
Wed 17 Aug 2011 at 03:00 #45507Anonymous
InactiveAHA! Perfect!
I installed your product on the live site a few weeks ago and setup the initial events myself due to my then upcoming vacation. Today I was training my client on it, and she asked this exact question… which I knew she would. She was very happy to hear that this enhancement is in the works, as was I. Thank you very much.
I installed the newest trunk version but haven’t had a chance to play with it yet. Do you have a target date for implementation?
Wed 17 Aug 2011 at 03:07 #45508Anonymous
InactiveFYI… small glitch I just noticed… tried to logout of my testsite, and wasn’t allowed to from either the Events Edit or Settings page. The Howdy… is apparently disabled.
Wed 17 Aug 2011 at 06:36 #45509Franky
KeymasterErrr … I know of no method to disable that. Check your browser error console, I would say.
Wed 17 Aug 2011 at 11:01 #45510Anonymous
InactiveupdateShowHidePermalinksPrexix is not defined
[Break On This Error] $j_eme_event(‘input#eme_seo_permali…ange(updateShowHidePermalinksPrexix);
I can’t say I checked EVERY other page, but did do several – all functioned correctly.
Did you keep your login info, so you could see for yourself?
Wed 17 Aug 2011 at 12:08 #45511Franky
KeymasterThat’s something I can work with. I thought I disabled that function for now, but I’ll check this evening …
Wed 17 Aug 2011 at 16:51 #45512Franky
Keymasterfixed in trunk
Wed 17 Aug 2011 at 21:15 #45513Anonymous
InactiveSuccess! Thanks.
You didn’t answer my question about an implementation date for this iteration… do you have one yet?
Another thing… do you usually get any testing help from your user base? I could spare some time if you need help.
Wed 17 Aug 2011 at 21:50 #45514Franky
KeymasterWell, I’m implementing one last feature: hardcoded permalinks for events and locations, so they don’t change if you change the title.
Once that’s implemented, I’m planning on releasing (probably somewhere this weekend).
But I can always use a hand for testing purposes. There’s one other user helping me here (admintiger), but more testers are always welcome!
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