Events Made Easy Forums How do I … How do I link my calender to my face book fan page?

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    Ok so I have a calender on my page at . What I want to do is just display the calender maybe using iframe into my facebook fan page. I have an app on facebook that allows me to enter html. Is there a way I can use a link that only draws up the calender without the rest of the webpage showing?

    (I’ve done this with google calender and yahoo calender but they have missing functionality that I need)

    Thanks, Nik


    Sorry, not possible. You can have a ical or RSS feed though …

    Or if you want a page with just the calendar in it: just create a wordpress page with a very clean layout theme, then enter “[events_calendar]” as it’s contents.


    You could also make page listing all your events and put it on Facebook Tab Manager plugin.

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