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  • #60542

    Hi Franky

    I’ve been having an issue with the new timepicker.

    I manage a WordPress site that is localised in a different timezone (1 hour behind my own timezone) so when I create an event at 7:00pm, if I return to edit that event, the time has automatically changed by an hour to 8:00pm.

    I changed my computer’s clock to see if that would stop it happening, and it did, but when I reverted to my current time, it caused the issue again.

    In settings, I have Use the client computer clock for the calendar set to No.

    I have included a screenshot. It causes issues as well if the end time for the event is 11:00pm, because it then pushes it to 12:00am and therefore the next day.



    It is indeed an issue when in different timezones (just when editing, not when saving or displaying the event). The next version will take that into account.
    In fact the reason it is a problem is that Safari browser interprets javascript datetime as being UTC if no timezone info is added (while others interpret it as local timezone). So I switched to microseconds based on UTC for everybody, but that obviously gives problems if in other timezones (since javscript converts it to local datetime ….).
    I now added an exception solely for the safari browser, so hopefully it will work better for everybody. If not, I’ll reconsider going back to the old setup.


    The release 2.1.53 should fix this.


    It does indeed. Great work as always Franky

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