- This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 10 months ago by .
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Events Made Easy › Forums › Generic › JS error leads incomplete registration and time outs
we have serious problems when users submit the registration form to an event.
We vonden een JavaScript error waarbij het lijkt alsof het formulier de naam wil controleren.
Dit gaat niet helemaal goed,
De JS foutmelding die ik zie is: “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘length’ of null”
Lijkt te maken te hebben met dit stukje code en “autocomplete”
function eme_registrations_autocomplete () {
// for autocomplete to work, the element needs to exist, otherwise JS errors occur
// we check for that using length
if (jQuery(“input[name=lastname]”).length) {
source: function(request, response) {
jQuery.ajax({ url: self.location.href,
data: { q: request.term,
eme_admin_action: ‘autocomplete_people’,
event_id: jQuery(“input[name=eme_event_id]”).val()
Hierdoor komen sinds 8 januari geen goede formulieren/betalingen meer bij ons binnen.
The last released version is from 19/12/2015, do you mean that you only updated on 8/1/2016 ?
Also: if lastname is not present in the form, nothing should work … can you give a form url example?
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