Events Made Easy Forums Bug fixed or feature request implemented Make the title in the events list link to a post

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  • #42535

    Is it possible to make the title of the event in the events list link to a post page?

    Before I found your fantastic plugin, I created a number of posts as forthcoming events and wondered if it was possible to create an event and use the title in the events list to link directly to the post.


    Sure, use an attribute for that: per event you can then enter an url and use the value of that attribute to link to whatever you want. E.g. in the event list format (in the settings page) you put

    <a href="#_ATT{EXTERNAL_LINK}">#_NAME</a>

    and then, when editing/creating an event, you’ll see the custom attribute “EXTERNAL_LINK” which you can then give a value per event.


    Excellent that works a treat.

    If I have already entered some events using eme would this be the correct code in the default event list format (on the settings page) <a href="#_ATT{EVENT_LINK}{#_LINKEDNAME}">#_NAME</a>

    So if I don’t enter an Attribute value for the external link it will use the one created by eme?


    Sorry, forgot to remove a href tags



    The above code works okay in the list but not in the RSS feed?


    No, not in the RSS feed. There I need to know the link to the event because rss expects it separately: it wants “title”, “link” and “description” (as an example).

    But I plan to add an extra field per event to link to an external page, so clicking on the event for details will then go to that page. And that’s a link I can take into account for RSS as well.


    Brilliant, many thanks for an excellent, well supported plugin.


    Done, has been implemented in trunk 🙂


    This is what you call support – works a treat! Many thanks for your help.


    Is there a way to make it work the other way around too? Basically, link a post to a event?

    Meaning, while editing/creating a blog post to be able to directly create an event in EME by using e.g. a button to register the blog post into EME?

    Further editing can then be done in EME itself.

    RS EVENT multiday has something like that – the overal functionality of that plugin can’t match EME however.

    My compliments on your plugin. The fact that even I can get it to work and configure it quite well says a lot about capabilities and user friendliness. Thx!

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