Events Made Easy Forums How do I … Multibooking form sending multiple confirmation emails

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  • #64581

    Hi Franky,

    The multibooking form is sending multiple emails for recurrent events. I tested a recurrent event with 4 dates and used the templates “multibooking details” and “multibooking respondent mail” as written in the documentation. I received the 1st email with the content as stated in the documentation, then received 3 other emails with nothing from “multibooking details” template. It only has content from “multibooking respondent mail” template:

    You booked seats for a total of . 
    The details can be found below:

    I received only 1 email asking for confirmation though, so that is working correctly.

    I thought the multibooking form is only supposed to send 1 email for recurrent events using the template for the first event in the series? Is there a setting somewhere that I missed?


    I’ve checked all over the code and for multibookings a mail is sent only for the first booking. Can you try without user confirmation and see if that helps? Are you using the simple=1 option or not?
    I’m currently on holiday so debugging is not that easy …


    I did some testing with a recurrent event with 4 dates today and got the following results:

    1) With confirmation turned off, the booking emails work fine.

    2) With confirmation turned on, I’m receiving 1 verification email and 4 confirmation email with content only from “multibooking respondent mail” template. Nothing from “multibooking details” template.

    3) 4 emails are sent for deletion of booking whether confirmation is turned on or off. Dates for the events are not stated in the emails. Is it supposed to work this way? If it is, is there a way to consolidate the deletion emails by using a template like “multibooking details” whereby only 1 email is sent to inform the deletion for the 4 dates?


    I’m not using simple=1.

    My templates:


    Surname*:<br />
    #_LASTNAME<br />
    Given Name*:<br />
    #REQ_FIRSTNAME<br />
    Email*:<br />
    #REQ_EMAIL<br />
    Mobile*:<br />
    #REQ_PHONE<br />
    Country*:<br />
    #REQ_COUNTRY<br />
    You are registering for the following course timings:


    #_{d/m/Y (l)} #_24HSTARTTIME - #_24HENDTIME #_SEATS


    Newsletter*: #REQ_OPT_OUT<br />
    #_GDPR I have read and agree to the <a href="/terms-and-conditions" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Terms & Conditions</a>. I allow RID to use my personal information according to the <a href="/privacy-policy" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a>.<br />
    #_HCAPTCHA<br />
    #_SUBMIT<br />

    the cancel is per booking, so that’s considered normal to receive a mail per cancelled booking. However it is possible that I loose the multibooking “info” with the confirmation mail, I need to check that (on holiday, so bare with me).


    This fixes the confirmation thing (together with more strict permission checking, just to be safe):


    Thank you so much for the replies. Don’t worry about cancellation part as I’m still testing the multibooking settings at the moment. Won’t deploy until next month.

    Really appreciate you taking time to reply to queries even though you are on holiday. Have a good holiday!


    I have tested the fixes and multibooking with confirmation now works perfectly. Thanks so much!

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