Events Made Easy Forums Bug fixed or feature request implemented Pagination Bug : pagination button next allow me to go to a month without event

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  • #43984

    Hello Franky,

    I have a problem with the pagination on the events listing page.

    let’s suppose my events are created until mai, but I can still navigate to juin using the “next month” button.

    I checked the code and this is not supposed to happend (eme_events.php line 918) but $limit_end return the next month date event when there is no event. For the moment I patched my self just adding a “-1” to the test.

    // to prevent going on indefinitely and thus allowing search bots to go on for ever,

    // we stop providing links if there are no more events left

    if (eme_count_events_older_than($limit_start) == 0)

    $prev_text = “”;

    if (eme_count_events_newer_than($limit_end)-1 == 0)

    $next_text = “”;


    Wel ok, but not to July, correct ? 🙂

    Anyway, it was kind of a safeguard, but a stupid one. Can you try this (in stead of your change) one line 1228 in eme_events.php (“>=” replaced by just “>”):

    $sql = “SELECT COUNT(*) from $events_table WHERE event_end_date>'”.$scope.”‘”;

    also the sql for the function eme_count_events_older_than() could use the same change, no?


    I am going to try this today and let you know 🙂


    Any news on the test?


    Considering this solved: I could reproduce it and my fix works ok.

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