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  • #52639

    I added these shortcodes to a page:
    [eme_filterform fields=categories,months notcategory=2,8 submit=Filter]
    [eme_events paging=1 limit=0 scope=this_year category=1,5,6,7]

    If I click “Filter”, the list of events loses the pagination links and starts showing events from all categories. Bug – or did I miss something here?

    Temp site location: http://danbrubaker.brutech.net/itinerary/

    Some more of my code…
    “Default events list format”:
    <td class=”column1″>#_{M j}[eme_if tag="#ESC_{M j Y}" notvalue="#ESC@_{M j Y}"] – [eme_if2 tag="#ESC_{M}" notvalue="#ESC@_{M}"]#@_{M }[/eme_if2]#@_{j}[/eme_if]</td>
    <td class=”column2″>#_LINKEDNAME</td>
    <td class=”column3″>#_ATT{Leader}</td>
    <td class=”column4″>#_TOWN</td>
    <td class=”column5″>#_CATEGORIES</td>


    I couldn’t reproduce the problem here, but I did do a lot of changes. And you made me discover a bug in the prev/next links (the count was not correct), so you might want to test the trunk version to see if that works better.


    Ok, I’ll see if I can try the trunk.

    You should be able to reproduce the problem by loading http://danbrubaker.brutech.net/itinerary/ and clicking “Filter” without making any filter selections.

    Also, after you load a filter, if you want to reset to the original events list by selecting the defaults (“Select a category” & “Select Month”) the list will then respond by showing all events and no pagination.

    I understand that the pagination disappearing may be due to the fact that I don’t have many events to display in the first place, but something is buggy. It shouldn’t ever show categories that don’t fall into the [eme_events paging=1 limit=0 scope=this_year category=1,5,6,7] criteria.

    Thanks for your help!


    I did some more paging corrections, you might want to update your trunk version 🙂
    Unless bugs are discovered, this will also be the final version before the next release.


    Looks like the trunk fixed my problem. Thank you for all your work!

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