Events Made Easy Forums Generic Payment GW ID

  • This topic has 9 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #63510

    Hello Franky,

    We started today with the online payment method for Mollie for our members website, but it seems the Payment GW ID is not filled in on the member page in EME. So we cannot link between the payment and the member (I guess? Or is there a workaround? ;))

    Can you have a look at it?

    Many thanks in advance

    Kind regards,


    Mollie talks to EME and sets members as paid automatically. Next to that, you can show the “payment id” column in the members overview, and even the payment gateway used and their payment id.
    See the hint: rightclick on the column headers to show/hide columns


    Hello Franky,
    thanks for the quick response. Indeed the columns are shown and the id is correct, but before, there was also a payment GW ID. No problem if this is the new way of working of course 🙂 Just something we saw.

    Another thing, the end date of the membership was set to 01/01/23, but the payment expired. Any idea how to tackle this? I guess the member aborted his transaction, but the overview indicates him with a new end date.

    Kind regards,


    ‘Payment GW ID’ is also there. Can you explain what is wrong exactly?

    Concerning the membership: was this for an extension?


    Yes, the field is available, but it’s empty in EME, where in Mollie we can see a reference.
    The payment id itself is passed correctly, so thats a workaround indeed.

    It was an extension, correct.


    I’ll check the mollie id (maybe some typo somewhere).
    Concerning the extension:
    – what is the type of membership (settings)?
    – what was the state of the user, and how did the extension process start (I assume the user clicked on a link)?
    – I assume the user “tried” to pay with mollie. But are you sure the payment failed?


    Btw: Mollie blocked by test account, so if you want me to test something from Mollie:could you give me a test-api key? You can remove it later on again …


    type: fixed startdate
    duration period: 1 year
    start date 01/01/2021
    one extra free period: no
    grace period: 30
    reminder 30,15,5,-5,-15,-30,-60
    automatically remove pending members: 0
    allow renewal of expired members: checked
    captcha: checked
    create wp user after signup: checked
    price: 20
    currency: euro
    vat percentage: 0%
    payments: Mollie and Offline

    user state: paid and active
    email was sent based on the reminder settings
    he tried to pay but the transaction in Mollie was abandoned (Ideal)


    This fixes the mollie payment id:
    The rest is not so easy to reproduce …


    Thanks Franky!

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