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  • #43492

    First, many thanks for the awesome new release! I love that EME keeps getting updated!

    May I request for the next update the ability to have multiple ticket prices in the Paypal functionality? And perhaps using the pretty Paypal graphical button on the link-through page?

    For now I’ll keep using my custom functions (I shared an early version of the code in http://www.e-dynamics.be/bbpress/topic.php?id=1229) that do this, but it would be great to have this all built-in.

    (And if anyone wants the full working functions, just let me know.)


    Hi James,

    I don’t see the multiple price implementation in your code. How would you envision this?

    The paypal button: true, I could’ve used their button. What else is different in your code?


    The multiple prices come from Paypal “options”. I call the field Registration Types, since that’s what I’m using EME for and what the ticket types are.

    The code loops through the list of attributes to find anything ending in PRICE and uses that to build the options selector for the multiple prices.

    It goes with the form to display the Paypal button, and is in my originally posted code if you want to see it in context.

    Let me know if this isn’t clear.

    $display .= '<!-- Provide a dropdown menu option field with prices. -->'."n";
    $display .= '<input type="hidden" name="on0" value="Registration_Type">Registration Type<br />'."n";
    $display .= '<select name="os0">'."n";

    $dis2 = "";
    $attrib_counter = 0;
    foreach ($eventinfo['event_attributes'] as $attrib_name => $attrib_value) {
    if (strpos($attrib_name,"PRICE") !== FALSE) {
    $attrib_name = str_ireplace ("_PRICE","",$attrib_name);
    $display .= '<option value="'.$attrib_name.'">'.$attrib_name.' - $'.$attrib_value.' USD</option>'."n";

    $dis2 .= '<input type="hidden" name="option_select'.$attrib_counter.'" value="'.$attrib_name.'">'."n";
    $dis2 .= '<input type="hidden" name="option_amount'.$attrib_counter.'" value="'.$attrib_value.'">'."n";

    } // close if PRICE
    } // close foreach

    $display .= '</select>'."n";
    $display .= '<br />'."n";
    $display .= '<!-- Specify the price that PayPal uses for each option. -->'."n";
    $display .= '<input type="hidden" name="option_index" value="0">'."n";

    $display .= $dis2;


    This I can understand, but how do you force a specific price if you have eg. 3 choices?


    The first attribute entered becomes the default option, which is what would get submitted to Paypal if the user clicked the “Pay Now” (or whatever it’s called) button without selecting a different option.

    If you wanted to only have one price (and not present multiple options) then you only put one price option into the database.

    Example single:


    Example multiple:



    What I haven’t figured out yet is how to allow a combination purchase. For instance, two adult and two child tickets on the same purchase.


    Hello! Very informative thread up there. I came looking to find out if I could place the paypal booking form on a new page (not the same registration page) OR include paying and registering all on the same page.

    I am pretty sure those answers were given up there > but James I got a bit lost a custom functions!

    If either of you have a quick process for me to follow I’d be extremely happy!!!


    HI – I see this thread is over a year old- I need to have two payment options for an event we are doing – Adult and Child with different prices for each. Has there been any changes to EME to accommodate this? Or does my answer somehow lie within the above discussion?


    No progress, I hope to start on this soon. But multiple prices require *lots* of changes …


    Thank you Franky – Having 2 or 3 different price classifications would be awesome.

    We are doing social events that have adult and child pricing categories. I could see a 3rd for Seniors being asked for at some point.

    Most of my remaining requests are now going to have to deal with enhancing reporting options, and resolving access to registration information.


    Has been implemented in trunk. I need to do some final testing and create some doc for it.


    No way! Already? You’re really making a world class plugin here. 🙂

    Thank you for doing this.


    Hmmm … can’t tell if you’re sarcastic or not here 🙂

    Interested in testing it out?


    No not sarcastic at all! You know how much I love this plugin; I was being totally serious.

    I was just surprised you got it done so quickly when the scope of work to get it done was so large.

    As to testing, hell, I’m still about 10 versions behind at this point, so I have a lot of catching up to do before I can help test the new features, sorry. 🙁


    Do my eyes deceive me? WOW – nice.

    I don’t think I see the update rolled out through WP just yet??


    I just released it 🙂


    HI Franky!

    FYI – just tested it – a few suggestions:

    The paypal summary screen DOES do the math correctly – and give a total, but it does NOT show qty of anything other than on – and also does not line item 1 adult, 1 child – their respective costs, and then a total – it just bunches everything together and gives a total.

    Have not looked at the registration report to make sure this is at least captured there….will advise.

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