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  • #42674


    I really like the extensibility of the plugin and how easy it is to change styling. When I using paging with “this_month” scope, it displays “Next Month” and “Previous Month”. I see in your code on lines 822 & 823 of eme_events.php that you have:

    //$prev_text = date_i18n (get_option('eme_show_period_monthly_dateformat'), strtotime("$prev_offset month")-$day_offset*86400);
    //$next_text = date_i18n (get_option('eme_show_period_monthly_dateformat'), strtotime("$next_offset month")-$day_offset*86400);
    $scope_text = date_i18n (get_option('eme_show_period_monthly_dateformat'), strtotime("$scope_offset month")-$day_offset*86400);
    $prev_text = __('Previous month','eme');
    $next_text = __('Next month','eme');

    Is there a reason the next_text and prev_text which seem to give the actual month name is commented out? Is it a translation issue perhaps?

    If I uncomment the first two lines, and comment out the bottom two, I get what I’m looking for (say “April 2011” if the current month is March) but don’t want to do this every time the code changes. Is there somewhere I can get a hook / filter this out? I know PHP decently enough to edit things, but not WordPress, so feel free to give me PHP laden jargon, and I’ll figure out the WordPress from there 🙂




    The reason I don’t do it by name is because it takes up too much space in the standard twenty ten theme. There’s no hook or filter to change this for now …


    Ahh, I see. Then for now I’ll just keep changing it with every update of the rest of the code base, thanks.


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