Events Made Easy Forums Generic QR scanning different results on different phones

  • This topic has 13 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #63136


    We ran into a strange thing when test-scanning QR code.

    When I scan a code on my Android phone for an event next week, I get two messages: green icon with (in Dutch) ‘Betaling in orde’ (payment ok) and a red icon ‘Toegang nog niet toegelaten’ (entrance not yet allowed).

    But when someone else scanned the exact same QR on her iPhone, she gets the green icon and message, but below a message ‘Geen voorstellingen gevonden in deze categorie’ (no events found in this category).

    Phones are logged in with different accounts, both with ‘editor’ capabilities, yet they receive different messages. That seems strange to me, and may cause problems when scanning tickets on the actual date, if no events can be found.

    Any idea what the problem might be and how to resolve this? I can’t imagine this has to do with Android/iPhone differences?

    Thanks again,


    EME doesn’t itself add a message like “no events found in this category”. Meaning: you should check the settings concerning which message is shown for people logged in with enough rights and for those without enough rights.
    Just being “editor” doesn’t mean they have the needed rights.
    EME checks these capabilities in order to show the info for correctly logged in users with enough rights: “Attendance check” or “Approve all bookings” or “Edit all bookings”. All 3 are in the EME options menu, tab “Access”, subsection “Bookings”


    Thank you so much for this insight. But I’m still a bit at a loss as to what settings to use, I’m afraid.

    After your message I figured out the distinction has to do with the event author. When I change the author to myself I too get only the green checkmark for payment ok, but the red cross for ‘not yet allowed’ is gone.
    But when the author is someone else, I also get the red ‘not yet allowed’ message.
    So what appears strange to me is that the event author gets less feedback than other editors.

    Then I set the permissions you mentioned all to ‘Edit posts’, but that made no difference. When I set ‘Edit others posts’ (which should apply to all editors), no-one gets a complete feedback.
    What permissions should I set to let all editors scan QR codes in the same way?


    In your event of choice, what are the RSVP settings for “Extra attendance info for not authorized users” and “Extra attendance info for authorized users” (or the generic settings if those per event are left empty)?
    Feel free to send me test-event qr codes (and/or access). Also, make sure no caching is happening …


    Hello Franky.

    I run into the same problem. I created an event by the Person “myself” and if I scan the QR Code as a guest (not logged in) I only see the red symbol concerning the payment status. If I am logged in as Administrator or any other user with additional rights, I see nothing (an empty page).

    To make a difference between being logged in or being guest I wrote a simple text line into the two fields at RSVP settings for “Extra attendance info for not authorized users” and “Extra attendance info for authorized users”. If I am not logged in I see the correct text line, if logged in I don´t see anything except an empty page.

    Do you have an idea where I did something wrong?


    I just tested this as admin for a booking, and the url results in the expected info.
    Some things:
    – is the wordpress page empty (like a totally white page)?
    – might some security plugin block things?
    – anything in php/apache/nginx/wordpress error logfiles?
    – Can you show an example (feel free to send me some temporary admin account info to ?


    No reply or reaction?


    Franky I semt you an email this morning.


    ok, received. I’ll test


    Thanks to your info and test, I found the bug. Fix will be in the next version (but I applied it to your setup already). Fro the changelog:

    Attendance check returned empty for qrcode scan if a booking was not paid and the user doing the scan was logged in

    The actual change is a one-word thing:


    This is great news, thanks so much for your quick reaction.


    Just one more thing, Franky. Now that you fixed the mentioned problem I run into another funny thing. This is what is set for “Extra attendance info for authorized users”:
    (Autorisierter Benutzer:)
    Persönliche Daten:
    #_ZIP #_CITY
    Email: #_EMAIL
    Phone: #_PHONE

    Tagesticket Freitag: #_RESPSEATS{1}
    Tagesticket Samstag: #_RESPSEATS{2}
    Tagesticket Sonntag; #_RESPSEATS{3}
    Komplettes Festival: #_RESPSEATS{4}
    Zeltplatz Anzahl: #_RESPSEATS{5}



    Nettopreis: #_TOTALPRICE_NO_VAT EUR
    Gesamtpreis: #_TOTALPRICE


    All that is okay except one thing: The placeholders #_ADDRESS1, #_ZIP, #_CITY do not contain address information of the booker (the person who did the booking) but it contains the address of the event location. Did I miss something there?

    Sorry for bothering you again.


    Since both events and people have the same placeholders for address info, only one can win 🙂
    But for that you can use #_PERSONCITY etc, see


    Okay thank you. I thought I knew the whole documentation by heart now but apparently not. Thanks for your quick reply.

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