Events Made Easy Forums Bug fixed or feature request implemented Renagade Code Messing up Layout

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  • #42400

    First off, I wanted to start by saying that I really appreciate all the work you have put into this plugin. You have done a great job! Thank You!

    So I am having some issues with the plugin output and I am wondering if I am missing something obvious, maybe I am pushing the plugin beyond it’s intended use, or if I have encountered a few small glitches. Let me explain.

    1. I am using a widget in my theme with a sole purpose of displaying a mini race schedule event list. If I delete the Title from the widget it defaults to displaying “Events” Is this typical behavior for this plugin? Is there a way to remove the title completly?

    2. Also in the widget. I have a very specific need for the “List item format:” however the plugin keeps wrapping my list with the following code:

      <div id=’events-pagination-top’> </div>

      // My list format here

      <div id=’events-pagination-bottom’> </div>

    Is there a way to stop this from happening via the settings menu? If I have to edit the file can you give me some guidance as to how so I don’t mess it up. I believe the file is eme_events.php

    If you are able to help with any of this, it would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!


    In the widget, these divs shouldn’t be there … also I agree that the empty title should be possible as well. I’ll look into both


    For the widget title, change in eme_widgets.php the code:

    $title = apply_filters('widget_title', empty( $instance['title'] ) ? __( 'Events','eme' ) : $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base);


    $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base);


    For the pagination: go into eme_events.php and change the line mentioning (around line 946):

    // now add the pagination
    $output = $pagination_top . $output . $pagination_bottom;


    // now add the pagination if needed
    if ($paging==1)
    $output = $pagination_top . $output . $pagination_bottom;

    Btw: both changes are applied to the trunk version


    Thanks Franky! That helped tremendously! I did find one more line that needed modification.

    in eme_widgets.php

    echo <ul>$events_list</ul>

    was still wrapping the output with a

    <ul> so I changed it to

    echo "$events_list";

    Donation coming your way thank you very much for your help!


    You should leave the <ul> in, as the events are expected to be in a list (for now). I’ll change the widget code so you can enter a header/footer part yourself, instead of hardcoding it. That should solve it for you then 🙂


    Ok, the code for that is now in trunk.

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