Hate to be so picky, but wondered if you would consider modifying the way the amount due is show in an rsvp form. After completion, the total amount due is shown, but only as an integer so any “cents” amount is lost.
Would you consider making currency amounts as float instead of integer to reflect true balances due… like the following..
in Eme_rsvp.php
(Could we use:)
$ret_string .= sprintf(__(“The booking price in %s is: %01.2f”,’eme’), $event,$total_price);
(Instead of:)
$ret_string .= sprintf(__(“The booking price in %s is: %d”,’eme’), $event,$total_price);
I have been editing the function on every update to show my customers the proper amount, but it would be nice to avoid this update each time.
Thanks for considering.