Events Made Easy Forums How do I … Stripe and email delivery questions

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  • #60783

    Hi there, I have some other things I am wondering about 🙂

    1. I want to be able to make an invoice when a person makes a payment. I am using the “Booking Made or Approved Email” section. First when the email is booked the first “Booking Made Email” is sent. This is sent both to the person booking and the contact person for the event, so that is working as it should. The second email after the payment is made “Contact Person Booking Made Email” is sent to the person making the payment, but is not sent to the contact person… ? This last email is what I was going to use as the invoice email for the payment.. am I missing something here? Why is the email not being sent?

    1.1 Is there another better way if doing this? Maybe with a PDF or something?

    2. I have setup a Stripe test account. The customer is calculated on the booking form one amount that he is suppose to pay. When it is being transferred to the Stripe payment screen, the amount is increased by maybe 2% or something…. not sure where that comes from ? is there a % added automatically to all charges ?

    3. Is it possible to use a credit card form directly on the booking page and handle all the charge in the background?


    1) The Booking Made is sent to the booker, the “Contact Person Booking Made” is sent to the contact person when the booking is made. The Booking Paid Email is sent when a payment is done (see the generic EME settings, tab “Mail templates”.
    Doing it via PDF will require you to somehow first create a PDF invoice and attach that, that is somewhat more complicated as it requires to use a EME hook to create a custom PDF (and you need to code the PDF creation) and then add it to the mail before it is sent (which I’m not even sure I provide a hook for).
    2) In EME you can specify extra charges to be taken into account per payment gateway, but by default this is 0.
    3) Sorry, but no. Reason: that would require a PCI-compliant webserver setup and most people don’t have that.


    1) I a simple solution so lets scrap the PDF idea.

    However I would like to get the email to the contact person to work. When I look at the “The Booking Paid Email” it mentions that:

    When an event is configured to auto-approve bookings after payment, this mail is not sent but the mail concerning a booking being approved is sent when a pending booking is marked as paid.

    I have auto-approve bookings after payment setup. So then the email that should be setup is “Booking Made or Approved Email” as far as I understand this. That is why I am mentioning this email. And here is where only the customer’s email is sent and not to the contact person..

    I have tried this several times with the same result. Is there a bug here?

    2) When I go to Settings > Payments > Stripe the two fields “Extra charge” and “Extra charge 2” is both set to 0… is there another place there can be set an extra charge?

    3) That makes sense, thanks.


    2) This payment fee seems to be ok now, not sure what happened.

    1) This is still an issue, Here is a video where I explain it in more detail:
    Watch video


    Well, the text was not correct 🙂 The latest update fixes that warning and sets it on the “Booking approved” mail to “When an event is configured to auto-approve bookings after payment and you have selected to send out payment mails and the total amount to pay is not 0, this mail is not sent but the mail concerning a booking being paid is sent when a pending booking is marked as paid.”


    I guess I should have tested the other ones, sorry about that. The one that worked in my case was “Booking Payment Gateway Notification Email”. And I am happy about that, I have the invoice, thank you so much !

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