Myself and 2 of my colleagues struggled to understand straight away the explanation diplayed when you choose a monthly reoccurence for an event. It is correct but it took us 5 or 10 minutes to figure out precisely what was meant.
It says : If you use “Start day” as day of the month, the month day of the event start date will be used as a reference.
I wonder if there would be a simpler way of saying it.
I suggest to get rid of “month day of” : If you use “Start day” as day of the month, the event start date will be used as a reference.
Or putting “Day of month :” before “Every [select][select]” like frequency.
Or a radio button between the option “use the day of event start” and the existing “Every [select][select]”
Anyway here are some of my suggestions, maybe someone has better ideas, or maybe it is simply a problem for nobody.
Thanks for your great work,