Events Made Easy Forums How do I … Toggle Location on/off per Event?

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  • #42242

    I had a successful install and everything seems to be working *really* well. If I’m reading the docs correctly a Location is added automatically to an event if I don’t assign one.

    I’m interested in setting up two events with no location. All my other events will have specific locations.

    Is there a way I can easily turn off the location feature for just these two events?

    Thanks for a great plugin!


    edit & p.s.: I guess what would be perfect would be a “NULL” option in the location popup menu in the Event entry form.


    Just leave the content for the location empty, done. And edit the “single event format” for that event so you don’t try to show a google map or so.


    “leave the content for the location empty”

    The location in the event edit/create form? Or,

    In the add a location form?

    For the former the popup menu doesn’t let me leave it empty. I have two locations created and one gets selected automatically.

    When I tried to create a new and empty location, a placeholder, so to speak, I was returned an error saying I’d not entered town, etc. (because I hadn’t, of course).

    So I guess I’m not sure what content you mean, or rather, where you mean.

    Thanks again!


    Errr … I can create events just fine without any location info, so I’m not really sure what popup you’re talking about. I’m guessing you have the EME setting “Use dropdown for locations” activated, which of course needs a location then (I’ll try to add a “none” location as well). Deactivate this option (unless you have qtranslate activated, then you have no option untill I put the “none” thingie in the code) and try again.


    Ah. Yes. I had “Use dropdown…” activated. What a great feature that is! Usually use about 3 locations and that feature certainly reduces redundant entry.

    I should have written, in previous comments, dropdown menu instead of popup menu. Sorry about that.

    I deactivated dropdown and was able to remove location data from the events that needed such treatment then reactivated it for the creation of events that needed locations. I’ll just need to remember to deactivate it again if they need editing.

    Thank you!


    I just released a version that has an option in the dropdown menu so you can choose an “empty” location, that should solve all these issues.

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