Events Made Easy Forums Bug fixed or feature request implemented v1.6.8 breaks table formatting of [eme_events]

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  • This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #55308

    I have a table of events on the following page:

    The table formatting is configured in:
    Settings -> Events -> Events Format

    The table formats correctly in v1.6.6 – to which I have currently downgraded.
    In v1.6.8, all the table formatting is lost – <table>, <tr>, <td>,

      etc are all missing from the HTML.

    Sorry, but this I can’t reproduce. The event listing shows html just fine here. See as an example this page with bold in the event listing:
    It’s an ul-list, but shouldn’t be any different than a table …
    If you can reproduce this on a test site, give me some admin access so I can check this out myself …


    Hi Franky,

    Just wondering if this can be fixed with a code walk-through. I diff’d everything and found the table works correctly if I modify the events-manager.php file in v1.6.9 by

    Replacing line 2195
    $format = eme_replace_event_location_placeholders ( $format, $event, $target, 0, $lang);

    $format = eme_replace_locations_placeholders ( $format, $location, $target, 0, $lang );

    I guess the problem is caused by the introduction of the new function in eme_locations.php:
    eme_replace_event_location_placeholders. The two if controls are true so the code executes:
    $event = eme_get_extralocation_data($event);
    return eme_replace_locations_placeholders($format, $event, $target, $do_shortcode, $lang);

    Is there a mix up in the arguments to the last function (from location -> event)?


    In order to eliminate some sql statements, $event now also contains the location info if location info is present. The call to eme_replace_event_location_placeholders can thus call eme_replace_locations_placeholders with $event providing all location info.
    Now, the way you changed it can’t work since there’s no longer a $location variable in that function, so by changing line 2195
    $format = eme_replace_event_location_placeholders ( $format, $event, $target, 0, $lang);

    $format = eme_replace_locations_placeholders ( $format, $location, $target, 0, $lang );

    you should now have a warning in your apache logfiles saying that $location is unknown or so.
    But as you can see on my example page, my event list + html + location info all works fine.

    But now that you mention it, it seems there’s a problem with events *without* location info … checking now.


    Ok, should be fixed here:

    Releasing 1.6.10 for this now


    Could it be that the change works for me because I don’t use location information in the events table [eme_events]?

    What I do is create each event with an external link to an event-location page I prepare “by hand” which includes location information with the [eme_location] tag and a booking form with [eme_add_multibooking_form].

    (I don’t use the “special events page” and would like to remove the warning)


    Check the new release, all should be as before again


    Hi Franky,

    It worked. Great job. Donation sent.


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