Forum Replies Created
KeymasterThis most of the times indicate javascript problems. Can you see any of those in your browser’s console?
Keymasterindeed, since EME events are not posts the EME categories can’t be integrated with WP categories.
KeymasterThere’s a feature request for custom forms, this will be handled in there.
KeymasterPayment in paypal changes the payed status for the booking, paypal itself makes it very clear that the payment has succeeded
Keymaster#_BOOKEDSEATS is what it says: seats booked, whether approved or not. Mostly used in mails, so if it for approval, you can change the content of the mails being sent.
KeymasterSee my post here:
Keymasterpermanently fixed
Keymasterin fact wordpress uses something they call “the loop” and if in the loop and using the_content(), all filters for the_content are executed. In fact the problem is that you can’t indicate when not wanting to execute the filters (like e.g. when in a widget)
Keymasterhmmm … instead of using the_content in their function the_content_limit, it would be better to use the_excerpt(), that would not interfere with the_content() being used. Maybe you can ask them how to do that, or try it yourseld based on this:
Keymasterthat should not happen. I’ll try here as well, using the standard widgets for recent posts
KeymasterOpen a feature request for the currency thing, that shouldn’t be too hard to implement.
For the messages: normally they are surrounded by a square box in another color, so it shouldn’t be that hard to see them … unless the CSS of your theme is doing something with that, have you checked this? Using the default theme is best to get a first impression of the default behaviour.
Keymaster16 hours because I fixed it last night. And is correct (search for e.g. “wp_current_filter” there).
The trac can be downloaded as a unified diff and then applied by using the patch command on linux. But you can just copy over those lines, or for the easiest method: download the file
KeymasterThe image is a todo thingie, the current class doesn’t support that and I need to change that code for it.
Euro should be changeable when you set the price for the event.
About your third question: I though the refresh located itself on the message, per other people’s request. That should be working ok. Are you saying that the refresh is not showing the message at the top?
KeymasterI see, that has been added to the code. Please do give feedback about the bugfix if you have the time.
KeymasterPlease create a new post with these questions.
KeymasterIt should work better
Please do try the bugfix.
And … what is the paypal fix?
KeymasterIt’s a coincidence: I came up with this code yesterday night. Still needs to be tested of course, but normally it should take care of these situations. But still, out of curiousity: would you mind mailing me your theme so I can check the full efect of the code? My mail:
KeymasterTry if this change fixes it for you:
otherwise: what’s in the header of your theme causing this? Do you call the_content() there?
KeymasterOk, I was wrong there. The #_LINKEDNAME uses the title of the event, so if that’s long, so will be #_LINKEDNAME.
If you want to change that, I advice you to create a custom attribute per event ( ) and use that for short name, and together with #_EVENTPAGEURL you can then create custom links.
Or … just use a smaller title for the event
KeymasterCan you check if this fixes it for you:
Keymasterrequire_once added to the code (for the next version, sorry I forgot to include it for 1.0.2)
KeymasterSearch for conditional tags in this forum, and read up on them here:
KeymasterWhat’s the value of $config then?
I’ll try it again later this evening.
KeymasterUse a custom attribute for that: invent one and check for the value of your liking using conditional tags, which then hide the link if wanted. See
KeymasterYou can change the permalink per event, make that one short.
KeymasterFrom where did you get the files? You should use the files found in the EME release, subdir extras/plugins/events-made-easy-frontend-submit
KeymasterDon’t put all that in your theme dir, it’s a plugin. Create a folder wp-content/plugins/events-made-easy-frontend-submit and put all the files/dirs there. Maybe it’s better/easier if I register it with wordpress or re-integrate it with the main plugin, but that’s future talk.
Keymasteryou can put any html in the header, footer or list format settings.
KeymasterThat should only happen if the url setting for that single event is not empty.
KeymasterThe NOTES behaviour hasn’t changes, so you have to go back and see what you changed to your WP the last couple of days.
KeymasterConfirmed and fixed here:
KeymasterWell, normally this fix should not be needed, but it’ll be in the next release. Moving to “Bugs” until done.
KeymasterMy guess is the theme is doing something weird for displaying a page … when I find the time next week, I’ll try the theme as well.
KeymasterOk then, undo the change and try this:
change in eme_rsvp.php the line 1196
require "paypal/Paypal.php";
require_once "paypal/Paypal.php";
KeymasterDid you try disabling other plugings? If your theme is the issue, try another 3-column theme first …
KeymasterThen I’m guessing some other plugin also has paypal functionality and is using the same name (which is a generic one in fact).
Try this:
– change in eme_rsvp.php the line 1197 from
$p = new Paypal;
$p = new eme_Paypal;
and in the file paypal/Paypal.php line 22 from
class Paypal
class eme_Paypal
KeymasterAs said: disable all other plugins and see if EME then works ok. Then re-enable one by one until you find the conflicting plugin.
If that doesn’t work: try disabling permalinks (if active) and see what happens then. You have something very weird going on here …
And indeed 1.0.2 is out, I don’t remember if it fixes the USER_RESERVEDSPACES issue though, but do update.
Keymasterdoesn’t is say there (or in the logs) where the previous declaration is?
KeymasterNo, the donate button has nothing to do here. Is it a php warning or a php error you get? It might be that I include the same class twice (although I shouldn’t, but I’ll review the code)
KeymasterCSS is in your theme and can be changed there. For the #_USER_RESERVEDSPACES issue: which EME version are you using? For caching: look at your plugins, some might interfere.
In general: disable all other plugins and see if EME then works ok. Then re-enable one by one until you find the conflicting plugin.
KeymasterWhich means you might have 2 pages with the same title or so. Since EME can only work if indeed the events page content is replaced by event data.
Try creating a new page and change the EME settings to point to that page, then see what happens.
KeymasterCheck your EME setting concerning “Events page”. It should point to a real existing page (that’s best not shown in your menu)
KeymasterIs there another installed plugin that also has this class (or paypal functionality)? That’s probably causing this, and can then be easily rectified.
KeymasterWhich free theme are you using? If it’s on the net, I can try it locally.
KeymasterI don’t do theme support, but in this case: weird that this line is in the header:
<?php if (is_single() || is_page() ) : if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
It doesn’t belong there … and might mess up all of your html. Please contact your theme supplier for this.
KeymasterIs your theme calling wp_head() as it should? If it works with 2011 but not your theme, you need to check if the theme is supported for WP 3.3 first …
KeymasterThese are new feature requests, you might want to add a new post for these. Also: normally I’d use the php money_format for these, but that depends on the locale and the price can be in a different currency. In so many ways wordpress is lacking default options (decimals precision and seperator should be wordpress options).
Keymastereverything can be css’d. Use a CSS debugger if you don’t immediately succeed (I use firebug).
Sat 3 Mar 2012 at 13:00 in reply to: AM and PM designations not functioning correctly on some events #49436Franky
KeymasterWhat shortcodes/placeholders are you using?
KeymasterWell, I feel the devel version is stable enough. You want to test drive it?
KeymasterOk, found it. Another regex was catching the PRICE first. Fixed here:
KeymasterHmm … it should work just fine, and is not dependent on other code. You did the 2 fixes mentioned above? I’ll test it out later today myself.
KeymasterIf there’s an API for page searches in the wordpress admin section, and I can plug into it, then it can be done. Otherwise, it’s a low priority thing.
KeymasterI see (it’s not advised to do so, but anyway).
I can’t see anything wrong for the rest though … maybe another plugin is causing some jquery issues? Did you try disabling all other plugins and then try again?
KeymasterNice workaround though! I think it’s a very good solution, because coding up something like this is much more difficult. Using conditional tags and the contact form gets you a long way indeed.
Keymasterchange the template of the page you’re using to show the events on to a single-colmun layout, EME just renders the info upon an existing page.
KeymasterYour theme is using it’s own old jquery lib, don’t do that.
Keymasterand for a typo fix:
KeymasterFor the template functions to use inside WP php, see for some info:
Otherwise I suggest to use the existing shortcodes.
KeymasterDone in trunk:
KeymasterYes you can, but using [events_if2] inside [events_if] (wordpress doesn’t like it otherwise).
See at the bottom of
KeymasterYes: #_IS_LOGGED_IN, see
KeymasterIf you don’t know how to manually install a version, you’ll have to wait for the next bugfix release. It’s around the corner …
KeymasterPlease use the development version and try again, should be fixed (some calendar images were not included). See here:
KeymasterFor start: you have a “}” in there that shouldn’t be
For end time: also compare to “00:00”
So it becomes:
Start: #d. #m. #Y [events_if tag="#ESCH:#ESCi" notvalue="00:00"] -#H:#i [/events_if]
End: [events_if tag="#ESC_{j M Y}" notvalue="#ESC@_{j M Y}"] #@_{-d. m. Y} [/events_if] [events_if tag="#ESC@H:#ESC@i" notvalue="00:00"] - #@H:#@i [/events_if]But, to be even better, I’d use this:
Start: #d. #m. #Y [events_if tag="#ESCH:#ESCi" notvalue="00:00"] -
#H:#i [/events_if]
[events_if tag="#ESC_{j M Y}" notvalue="#ESC@_{j M Y}"] End: #@_{- d. m. Y} [events_if2 tag="#ESC@H:#ESC@i" notvalue="00:00"] - #@H:#@i [/events_if2][/events_if]Btw: make sure there’s no linebreak in the middle of e.g. #@_{- d. m. Y} , in the resulting page it would seem like it wasn’t being replaced, but linebreaks are not ok in it.
KeymasterIt is possible, but not in the current code. So moving to feature requests. A tip: look at the offset parameter in the html GET-request, but for now: no numbered paging.
Keymasterimage thumbnails for events is already in the current devel version
Keymasterclear your chrome cache (if possible at all), then it will be the same as for the other browsers. Probably you made some other error and the chrome cache still shows the old events or so.
Keymasterglad you found it again
Keymasterprobably because your webserver shows php-warnings, disrupting the ajax calls. I fixed this in the current trunk for the mktime errors I see on your site, see:
KeymasterOw, I see. Well, without changing the code this won’t be possible then (and I always advise against changing the code).
KeymasterAs said before: watch out for quotes inside quotes. You use double quotes for the format value, but also double quotes inside it. For all intents and purposes, a program will interpret (in your case) the value for format as “<ul id=”
Try using single quotes *inside* the format string. Eg.
[events_list category=9 scope=0000-02 format="<ul id='prod_dls'><li class='prod_dl_title'>#_EVENTNAME<li class='prod_dl_date'>#_{l, F j, Y}"]
Keymasterfixed in trunk (was a new bug introduced due to the new feature “each day in the calendar now also has the short day name as an extra class”).
KeymasterBut still no events in your calendar? I’ll try it out here as well.
KeymasterNot possible using shortcodes. Use the available hooks for that.
KeymasterThe same place where you changed the text links to images …
KeymasterWhat’s the “,” doing in the [events_calendar] shortcode?
KeymasterYour theme should call the function the_content() in the loop.
KeymasterHmmm … so I must do something about that
The reason is this code deciding not to show the booking form any more:
if ($max == 0 && $max_allowed>0) {
It should be:
if ($max == 0 && $min_allowed>0) {
The reasoning being: if the max number of seats left to book is 0 (the max already takes the max seats allowed to book into account) and it is required that you at least book 1 place (min allowed), don’t show the form any more.
Keymasteryes, that’s correct. Maybe make a diff between your installed version and the current dev version? Because everywhere I check in my code, the number of seats to book in the form should always be a number, not an empty string …
Keymasterdoes the template you use for that page displays details for a post? Events are not posts, but the page they are rendered on needs to show ‘post details’ that will be replaced by event details.
KeymasterYes, I get the booking full message, if I set the minimum number of seats to something larger than 0. If not, the dropdown shows but with choice “0” only.
KeymasterWell, I saw on your form that the number of entries was “” where it should’ve been “0”. Which version are you using? On my test setup using current code it seems to be working ok.
KeymasterWhat’s the minimum number of seats people can book (EME setting)? Normally, it should display “booking no longer possible” or so.
Keymasterit’s the “W3 Total Cache” plugin that seems to be messing things up at your end. I disabled it and it works ok now.
Edit: proably due to minify. See
KeymasterThat’s a screenshot of the plugin. Can you mail one where it is incorrectly rendered?
But still: for now I’m not going to switch to custom post types, so it will stay like this I’m afraid.
Events are rendered in a page, yes, but when viewing a single event, it should be shown correctly again, no?
KeymasterIs it not the responsability of that plugin to render the pages correctly for a “mobile” theme? What is the compatibility issue?
KeymasterExcept for the fact that you posted a screenshot for a weekly recurrent event that only has a one-week timespan, nothing weird there. Can you mail me some admin access at ?
KeymasterLocations can’t be recurrent, only events.
Then show what you enter for a new recurrent event (even though it doesn’t work when you click ‘create’)
KeymasterClick on the reschedule link for one of the recurrent events that’s wrong and post that screenshot please.
KeymasterCan you show this on a page? Can you mail me admin access so I can check this myself at ?
Keymastera screenshot of one such event (in the admin section of course) would be nice.
Thu 2 Feb 2012 at 22:49 in reply to: [event_list] scope of future and past not updating items shown #49343Franky
KeymasterThen I would need admin access to see for myself the problem at hand. Can you email me admin details and a detailed how-to for the problem to ?
I won’t be around this weekend to test, but Sunday evening I will take a look at it.
KeymasterCreating an attribute called HOMEPAGE doesn’t mean is shows on the homepage (where and how would it be shown?). In your case: create a event category and assign the events you want shown on the home page to that cat. Then use “[events_list category=3]” (with 3 being the category id of your choice) in a post that’s always shown on the homepage.
KeymasterDid you read this:
Wed 1 Feb 2012 at 23:03 in reply to: [event_list] scope of future and past not updating items shown #49340Franky
KeymasterWhat’s the end date for the event, and the settings for the widget? Also, lots of bugfixes happened in the current version (I really should release it), so you might want to try the dev version:
Keymastereach event is an php-array, so the php-function print_r prints out the contents of that array for you, and then you can choose the elements which are interesting for you to do an if-statement on.
Keymasterdo a “print_r” in your php-loop for each event to see the content of it, so you can base your php code on that.
KeymasterHmmm … the doc there needs improvement
Anyway: the IMAGEURL just returns the http-link as text, so you can build your custom url’s with it (if you want another text pointing to the image or so …)
KeymasterMultisite was working just fine last time I checked. Did you install EME as a multisite plugin?
KeymasterSee explanation for LOCATIONIAGEURL in the doc
KeymasterLike for locations: #_EVENTIMAGE and #_EVENTIMAGEURL
(added this to the changelog in readme.txt as well)
KeymasterAs long as is it not offending, just ask. If you want:
Keymasterthe reservation form is dynamically built from WP info. So if it uses some old info, some WP config setting is still pointing to that old info.
KeymasterIf you checked that generic EME option, for new events the option ‘Enable registration for this event’ will be checked, and then you can enter the price info.
If you don’t want RSVP, then just put the price in the event details or use a custom attribute for it.
KeymasterThat’s a WP html editor issue … sometimes it adds br-tags without being asked for it …
there’s even a plugin that totally removes the br-tag being added to the html layout (I even mentioned it in this forum somewhere)
Keymasterfeature request for this is pending
KeymasterWhen you create an event, on the right you can set the price for it, together with the currency.
#_PRICE and #_EVENTPRICE are the same, see
Thu 26 Jan 2012 at 12:15 in reply to: Filterform Shortcode doesn't do anything – eventslist does #49316Franky
Keymasteras said on the WP forum: it works fine for me. But of course it might be a prob with the 1.0.1 (I use the updated test version). So, if you want to test the development version:
Keymasterin templates you have to work with the real data for the event and compare those, not use placeholders. Do a print_r for an event to see all the data there is and what you can do with it.
Keymasteryes, like that, but put the format value in single quotes and try it
KeymasterUse the shortcode [events_list] on a page, with the format option. See (and search this forum)
KeymasterOk, not soo very fast
But added in trunk: new access right setting for publish events
See (needs previous changeset as well, so don’t just apply this one)
Keymasterimplemented in trunk:
Feature: initial state for a new event can now be set in the settings page
KeymasterAdded in trunk: Nd–Md
Keymasterworks fine here. More debugging might be needed, did you save the permalinks (generic WP settings page) after activating permalinks in EME?
Keymasterworks fine here. Mind trying the trunk?
Keymasterclassified as not-a-bug, works just fine for me.
Keymasterplease mail the change to me (unified diff please):
KeymasterTry this change:
KeymasterThis is impossible for me to reproduce: the fields are read-only if you require WP membership for an event *and* if you’re not logged in, see eme_rsvp.php:
if ($registration_wp_users_only) {
// we require a user to be WP registered to be able to book
if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
} else {
}A demo and an admin account please?
Keymasterweird, should work just fine. Also, you *should* have the popup calendar as well … I’ll check again this evening.
Thu 19 Jan 2012 at 11:51 in reply to: Some Public Widget Events only showing up if Logged In?!? #49305Franky
KeymasterWed 18 Jan 2012 at 16:31 in reply to: Some Public Widget Events only showing up if Logged In?!? #49303Franky
KeymasterCould you send me a dump of your eme database tables, so I can test this here? And any relevant shortcodes for the event listings you use.
Keymasternot really, I hope to add a new method to the release, so I can more easily add options to an event (instead of always extending the database scheme). That would then allow me to easily add other payment providers (like google checkout) and custom fields (later on). I just need to find the time for all of it
Keymasterit all depends on where in the code you actually change this
Tue 17 Jan 2012 at 19:03 in reply to: Some Public Widget Events only showing up if Logged In?!? #49301Franky
KeymasterThere’s a bug in the widget logic in 1.01, probably your issue is already fixed in trunk. If you like to try the development version:
Keymasteruse your favorite mysql admin tool for this
KeymasterThe next version will have the fix, if you want to test the development version:
KeymasterThe next version will have the fix, if you want to test the development version:
KeymasterAlready fixed in trunk:
Bugfix: when clicking on calendar day and there’s only 1 event, only show the event content directly if the event doesn’t point to an external url
Keymastertable.eme-calendar-table td.eventful-today a {
font-weight: bold;
color: #FD7E29;
and idem for eventless. Please use a CSS debugger for this kind of questions, I recommend firebug.
KeymasterLook for td.eventless-today and td.eventfull-today in the CSS file
KeymasterFixed in trunk:
Bugfix: when clicking on calendar day and there’s only 1 event, only show the event content directly if the event doesn’t point to an external url
Keymasterimplemented in trunk:
Feature: made the message ‘Your booking has been recorded’ formattable
KeymasterSee this in your events_manager.css:
table.eme-calendar-table td.eventful a, table.eme-calendar-table td.eventful-today a {
font-weight: bold;
color: #FD7E29;
btw, it’s best for own changes to go in a seperate CSS file, see
KeymasterWell … that would be a bug
I’ll try to take a look at it this evening.
KeymasterBinary comparison can be a bitch … try again:
KeymasterDid you verify that it works ok?
Keymasterdone in trunk (with a bugfix):
KeymasterWell, for listings there’s the “show_ongoing” option, but that option is (not yet) available for the list widget. Moving to feature requests (but should be easy to implement).
KeymasterI don’t really understand what you ask here. Can you make an example of what it is now and what it should be?
KeymasterMark the event as “private” in the status, that will prevent not-logged on users to see them. But if you let people log on into your site, they are members of the site …
For the moment roles exist for many things, but not for viewing an event (yet). I’ll move this to feature requests.
KeymasterAdded in trunk:
placeholder #_RECURRENCEDESC added, shows the recurrence info for an event like it does in the admin backend
Keymasterimplemented in trunk:
each day in the calendar now also has the short day name as an extra class
KeymasterTrue! Fixed here:
KeymasterImplemented in trunk:
KeymasterYou’re right! There’s no setting to change the location list as it does for the event listing. I’ll move this to feature requests and I’ll add 3 new settings:
– location list header
– single location line for the list
– location list footer
(as for events)
I’m still in holiday-mood now, but will try to do this asap.
Fri 6 Jan 2012 at 12:56 in reply to: New WP and EME install: Not showing map, location, buttons, etc. #48117Franky
KeymasterCheck/change your format settings (for events, single event, locations, etc) in the EME settings page to your liking using placeholders. See here for all possible placeholders:
E.g. for the map to appear, put the #_MAP placeholder in the location format settings (or in the event format) etc …
EME doesn’t know how you want things to appear, so you have to specify this yourself.