Forum Replies Created
KeymasterThis means you have an old version of php running on that site … array_combine is in php 5.3 and newer
KeymasterFeature request is pending for this
KeymasterHere: “Default location event list format”
KeymasterOk then, what’s the link to the Connections plugin?
KeymasterI never said to change the source code. Why not just configure the location formatting setting in the EME settings and use the [events_locations] shortcode?
KeymasterIn the admin section, you can just click on the “Reschedule” link, which allows you to change anything for the recurrence.
KeymasterYou want to use #_LOCATIONIMAGE as well, similar as for events. See:
The api for the location functions is not described, but see the functions get_locations_shortcode() and eme_get_locations in eme_locations.php
Btw: this does not belong in a bug report, but should be asked in a separate thread.
KeymasterIs the pubdate a problem?
KeymasterHmmm … weird … which version are you using?
Also: mail me a mysql dump of the relevant WP tables (those starting with eme_*) at
KeymasterHmmm … are you sure that for the others you are also author? If so, then it’s a bug …
KeymasterThis means some tables were there already for EME (or some EME setting), because the switch should just rename the old tables to the new ones. I’ll check the code this evening, but renaming/copy the tables should work as well (from dbem_ to eme_).
Keymastermoving to fixed bugs.
Keymastershould not be the case, but as said: try it on a test install first
KeymasterAll the files 🙂
KeymasterPost a screenshot with your widget settings somewhere please.
KeymasterHmmm … I could not reproduce it with mu test version here, but it seems the problem is related with (on your side) that the title-part of the generated link for the location does have an opening ‘”‘, but no closing one (seems to be translated into it’s html-equivalent).
I didn’t have that problem here, but when trying to reproduce it, I bumped into the issue with the location name not being properly translated on the page. This has been fixed in the latest trunk version, so you might want to try that version: ). Do try it in test first, it might contain some other bugs 🙂
KeymasterCan you mail me an admin account? I’ll be able to look at it either later this evening …
My email:
KeymasterCurrently it is not possible without changing the code.
KeymasterThere’s a setting for that page in the EME settings. Normally, that page shouldn’t be used directly in the menu on the front end. You should use shortcodes on regular pages to show the events/calendars you want. See for all possible shortcodes (2nd menu on the left).
KeymasterGlad it works ok!
KeymasterHmmm … I’ll try your scenario here as well.
Edit: what is the status of the event (Public, Private, Draft)?
Edit 2: just tried it here and the event appears fine in the widget …
KeymasterAnd which category (or categories) do you show in the calendar widget, and which one for the main calendar?
KeymasterWhat are your widget settings? I’m guessing you only show a specific category there.
KeymasterAgain: what version of EME are you using? And are you using only the link-option, nothing else?
Keymasterjust tried it here: works ok for existing, edited and new locations. What version of EME are you using?
Do all these locations have a name and an address?
KeymasterJust tried that theme and the Event-tab is there in the admin menu. Are you talking about the admin menu or the front menu? In the front menu, no Event-tab is needed, just a page that will be used to render the events information on (as set in the EME settings).
KeymasterAre you talking about “Events Manager” (EM) or “Events Made Easy” (EME)? This is the support forum for EME, not EM.
KeymasterDid you change/set the event and/or location settings in the EME settings menu using placeholders? The placeholders are there for you to decide what you want to be shown and how. For example, the #_MAP placeholder can be used in “Default single location page format” to show the map. Read about all the possible placeholders here:
KeymasterYes, that page is needed. As it says in the EME settings: “The content of this page (including shortcodes of any kind) will be ignored completely and dynamically replaced by events data.”
Maybe that’s not clear enough? I could add “Warning: this needs to point to a existing page, otherwise EME won’t work” to the text.
KeymasterSeems to me the rewrite rules are messed up. Go to “Permalink Settings” in the WP admin menu and click “save” again.
KeymasterNot possible yet, but for now: just add that info to the event details. Not exactly what you want, but it’ll help you along.
KeymasterYes, via attributes. But read this thread:
KeymasterReleasing it now would be possible, but I promised the custom-form feature as well, and that’s not finished yet. Meanwhile: you can use the development version if you can’t wait:
KeymasterThe div for the directions form now has an id (in trunk).
KeymasterThe labels will be adjustable once I implement the feature request for custom forms and fields. Concerning the CSS: I’ll add it asap.
KeymasterThe plugin was interfering with standard WP jquery on the EME pages, causing javascript errors and thus halting all further JS on that page (including the editor).
KeymasterI have a solution in mind, but the coding will take some time. It’s the next thing on the agenda, but it won’t be a Christmas present 🙂
Wed 14 Dec 2011 at 07:41 in reply to: RSVP submit yields a blank white page & unsucessful rsvp on backend. #49197Franky
KeymasterI just checked your site again, and it seems something is wrong with the rewrite rules. The url of the event details is:
but for the location it is:
==> it seems to me something is wrong with the EME setting “Events page”. Correct that and also: regenerate the rewrite rules by visting the WP SEO settings and press “save” there again.
KeymasterSearching for Total Cache in the forum gives me this:
and also, from the doc site (for minify):
Maybe that can help you?
KeymasterThere’s an extra WP plugin (provided with EME in the next version, but you need to install it seperately) that gives you a form and does this. See here for now:
KeymasterHmmm, for now I’m afraid this is not really possible. You’ll need to enter the info in the event details. Creating a seperate page in WP for each performer is something basic of course, and you can point to that link for each performer …
KeymasterFYI: the next version will have the feature to attach an image to an event like for a location.
Tue 13 Dec 2011 at 09:51 in reply to: RSVP submit yields a blank white page & unsucessful rsvp on backend. #49195Franky
KeymasterDo you have any custom WP action filters or hooks defined (e.g. in your theme)? Check your webserver logs to see what happens last as well, maybe some php error is found in there.
KeymasterI just tried it here and it seems to be working ok: non-registered bookings appear just fine and get a person id. But maybe you mean something else with “The result is that the event shows an unnamed person as the registrant”? What do you mean by this (what EME setting are you using that allows you yo deduce this?)
KeymasterSorry, but this is a paying theme so I can’t support it myself. In this case I think you have support with them, so they should be able to help you. If you find a free theme with the same problem, I’ll be happy to take a look at it.
KeymasterDo you mean it works ok now? The function then works as expected?
KeymasterWhich theme were you using? This is a bit weird though, it should be there all the time (depending on the rights given for EME of course)
KeymasterLanguage files (in your case: eme-de_DE.po and the template eme.pot in the “langs” subdir) need to be compiled after editing (using eg. poedit), creating a .mo file. That’s the file being used in the end.
KeymasterWhich version are you using?
Keymaster1) See , look for #_ICALLINK
2) Most of the social networking sites need special headers, EME has a setting that allows you to add any header needed. After you finish that part, just search this forum for “share” or “facebook”, or just try it out …
KeymasterIf a plugin is not the cause, then it’s probably the theme doing it. Try switching to the default theme, or give me an url to check.
Edit: also possible: the next version of EME will work with newer versions of jquery as well (besides the one included in WP), so you might want to try the trunk version as well.
KeymasterThere’s a feature request open for these kind of questions, be patient …
Tue 6 Dec 2011 at 22:05 in reply to: Register a booking manually without the person receiving the Approval email #48950Franky
Keymasterconfirmed as a bug and fixed in trunk:
Tue 6 Dec 2011 at 13:20 in reply to: Opening an Event Listing or Event in Calendar in a new window #49173Franky
KeymasterYes: in the Event listig format, use #_EVENTPAGEURL (see and #_EVENTNAME, and create your own http-link with “target=_blank” using these placeholders.
Tue 6 Dec 2011 at 10:03 in reply to: Register a booking manually without the person receiving the Approval email #48948Franky
KeymasterThe flow is like this:
– if approval is required (in the RSVP setting for the event): user registers, gets pending mail, and then the approved (or denied) mail when approval is done
– if approval is not required: user registers and gets approved mail
– for direct registrations in the backend, no pending mails should be sent, but direct approved mails. If this is not the case, then this is a bug. Is this the case?
KeymasterThen just add it to the location description. For now locations don’t have phone numbers … and the relation to persons is 1-n, so I just can’t give one number for sure.
KeymasterAsk your provider for the mail settings on your webserver, or use phpmail in the settings. And please: don’t hijack other threads, open a new one for issues you might have.
KeymasterHmmm … which version are you using? It probably is the “&” that’s causing it …
KeymasterIn the RSVP settings per event you can disable/enable needing confirmation.
KeymasterThe location of your logs should be given to you by the website administraor. Also, does these exist:
From what I can see, the WP file install.php requires upgrade.php but it can’t find it.
KeymasterWhich WP version are you using? And post the error message you get again, also look in the webserver logfiles (access and error) for possible hints.
Keymasteryes: find the plugin that’s causing this and disable it …
KeymasterSome other plugin or theme is messing with wordpress jquery (loading another version than the one included in WP), thus preventing the calendar to popup. In the next version the calendar jquery should work for newer jquery versions as well.
KeymasterBetter/easier would be to use:
$bookingseats1 = eme_get_booked_seats_by_person_event_id ($booking['person_id'], $event_id);
Of course this only works for wordpress registered users.
While you’re at it, use this code in a filter for the delete form, so you don’t have to change the code. See
Mon 28 Nov 2011 at 19:57 in reply to: Redirection to a specofic page / post after registration #49154Franky
KeymasterYes, it will.
KeymasterNot possible (for now): the button is constructed using the info on the page before. Using some jquery it could be done, but … not now 🙂
KeymasterCustomisation of the fields is foreseen for a future release …
KeymasterWell, it would need the same setup as for paypal. I need to investigate some time into this, and also (as said): I don’t have a worldpay account and I don’t know if they provide a php api …
Edit: it seems to be easier than expected, see
So I’ll try to include it.
Keymasteryup, that’s the howto you were looking for 🙂
KeymasterNot without changing the code. I’ll see if I can make an option for it.
KeymasterApparently a safety precaution I built in prevents it to work for you. In eme_events.php, around line 734:
// we need to make sure we do this only once. Reason being: other plugins can call the_content as well
// Suppose you add a shortcode from another plugin to the detail part of an event and that other plugin
// calls apply_filter(‘the_content’), then this would cause recursion since that call would call our filter again
==> this is why I use the global variable $eme_event_parsed
In your case (or in the case of this theme), this doesn’t seem to work ok. So for now, comment out (remove) the line 744 in eme_events.php that reads
and it works again. I need to check on this later so it can work for both worlds …
Keymaster#_AVAILABLESPACES existed already (forgot to document it ==> fixed)
I also added #_TOTALSPACES in trunk
Keymaster#_AVAILABLESPACES existed already (forgot to document it ==> fixed)
I also added #_TOTALSPACES in trunk
KeymasterI’ll test this out this evening again using my paypal sandbox.
KeymasterThis should be done automatically if the paypal payment was successful.
KeymasterWhat do you mean with paypal confirmation? You have reservation confirmation, but that’s optional. For the paypal payment successful or not page/message: moving to feature requests.
Mon 21 Nov 2011 at 22:52 in reply to: Event Registration Pending Email Format for Single Event not workign #49118Franky
KeymasterThis seems to be working ok here, so I’m a bit confused: which settings do you change that are not working?
Mon 21 Nov 2011 at 19:53 in reply to: Register a booking manually without the person receiving the Approval email #48945Franky
KeymasterIf you do manual registrations from within the backend, what’s the point of needing approval?
If you do require approval, do it from the frontend …
KeymasterFor the moment the encryption button is indeed not encrypted. This needs certificates to be installed on the server. The code for that is not difficult to add (the paypal library is ready for it), but just not done yet. Maybe I can do a small “howto” later on already.
Sun 20 Nov 2011 at 16:10 in reply to: Register a booking manually without the person receiving the Approval email #48943Franky
KeymasterIf you don’t want to do the approval, you can disable it in the RSVP settings per event.
KeymasterTwentyEleven is the default theme, which version of wordpress are you using?
KeymasterFirst: try the default theme. If it works there, it’s a Weaver theme issue. So I would suggest then to contact the weaver theme author, he already worked with EME so he should be able to help you along:
I’ll try to download the theme this weekend and see what the result is.
Also check your webserver logfiles for possible errors.
Thu 17 Nov 2011 at 19:28 in reply to: Register a booking manually without the person receiving the Approval email #48941Franky
KeymasterDid you check the mailserver logs to see if the mail was generated and send?
Keymaster@joeandthedrummer: please don’t hijack a thread, start a new one. This post will be deleted later on.
Concerning your problem: the theme of that page might prevent the content to be shown.
Thu 17 Nov 2011 at 14:47 in reply to: Can I add WordPress 3.0 Post Thumbnails support for Events? #49103Franky
KeymasterUse conditional tags to check for that, see
Thu 17 Nov 2011 at 08:13 in reply to: Can I add WordPress 3.0 Post Thumbnails support for Events? #49100Franky
KeymasterThere’s a feature request for event images. For now, I advise you to use an attribute for that. Read up on attributes here:
I hope to introduce this for the next version (maybe for the bugfix version …)
KeymasterYes, thanks for the heads-up! I’ll fix this in the trunk version this evening and release a bugfix version.
KeymasterThis is also something I can’t reproduce here. Is there anything in the webserver logfiles that might indicate a problem?
KeymasterIf the rich editor isn’t showing, something in your setup is preventing it. Look in your browser for javascript errors. Maybe send me a temp admin account so I can check it myself:
KeymasterNot reproducible here: paypal button appears on seperate page.
Keymasterfixed in trunk:
KeymasterGreat, so I’ll update the code this evening. Then checking an outstanding RSVP issue and I can release a small bugfix release.
KeymasterDid you re-apply the general permalink settings afterwards?
KeymasterYes, I was able to reproduce it. Seems to be something with the filter for the_title I use. I think I found the solution but need to test it out this evening.
If you want to test it, replace the line 755 in eme_events.php, from:
if (in_the_loop() && eme_is_events_page()) {
$events_page_id = get_option('eme_events_page' );
$events_page = get_page ( $events_page_id );
$events_page_title = $events_page->post_title;
if (($data == $events_page_title) && in_the_loop() && eme_is_events_page()) {See if that fixes it for you
Keymasterit’s “list_location”, not “listlocation”
Keymastermine is self developed. But I don’t have windows, only linux …
Keymasternot possible for now without changing the code (one line). Search this forum for the answer.
KeymasterBtw, which version of EME are you using?
KeymasterYes there’s a new version, it even changed names. See
KeymasterOk, please do first upgrade to the latest version, this might have already been fixed (can’t reproduce it here)
KeymasterWell, somebody send me a mail saying that there seems to be an issue with eme_rsvp.php. I’ll test this out later.
KeymasterI don’t have safari nor mac so pretty hard for me to debug this one …
KeymasterLocations are edited separately from events once they exist. The EME menu should show a link to edit locations.
KeymasterSince events are not posts there’s no other way than using shortcodes …
Keymasterok, moving to bugs until I can check this out
KeymasterIs that theme supported for 3.2.x? Because I see there that it is a theme for 3.0.x?
KeymasterSo, this means if you don’t enable RSVP, they don’t show up using [events_list order=DESC limit=10 paging=1 scope=past]?
KeymasterIf this doesn’t work, then it’s a bug. What do you get when using this shortcode and parameters?
KeymasterAs said: “limit=0” is needed as well.
KeymasterIt might be … since I can’t try it (premium), I advise you to first try out the default theme and any other theme you like. If those work, you can then contact headway with the issue at hand.
KeymasterBad theme I guess … is it an open source theme I can try?
KeymasterNo idea, never tried it before. Might as well be some wordpress functionality that needs to be activated.
KeymasterThe paypal button has always shown on a separate page. If not, something in my mind is seriously derailed …
KeymasterThen don’t use paging and limit=0. Please read the doc:
KeymasterAll events are considered single events in the calendar widget.
KeymasterYour generated html is wrong: your quotes seem to be in the wrong place. Also: please don’t open a fixed bug for this, create a thread in the howto-section is better.
KeymasterWhat do you want to achieve? You have paging activated and are not happy with that?
KeymasterNormally it works like this:
is there a way that once someone puts in their information to register, when they click the button they are taken to a NEW PAGE that has the 'pay via paypal' ONLY on the page, thus making it much easier for people to know they have to pay.
if not, it seems to me the theme you’re using for the events page is messing things up.
KeymasterTry this:
It’s [nggallery] btw (I can’t remember all shortcodes 🙂 )
KeymasterBtw: worldpay seems a paying service, so no dice there: I only support services that are free to set up (like paypal, and probably sagepay)
KeymasterAre your paypal settings inside EME correct?
Other providers would be possible of course. Open a feature request for these.
KeymasterI use the [wp_gallery] shortcodes inside a location/event description and it works just fine.
For the main image: use #_LOCATIONIMAGEURL and put your own html around it to reduce the size of the image to what you’d like:
<img src='#_LOCATIONIMAGEURL' width=xxx size=xxx>
KeymasterUse a gallery plugin and use the gallery shortcodes for that, easier. Otherwise, just use the html editor as you would for a normal page.
For the “main” image: use an image of desired size and upload that one for the location, and use the correct placeholder to display that image.
Keymasteri would like to fix it, but it is low priority: wp should be timezone aware per user, not just eme (like I mentioned in the post you linked to). It will happen, but it takes time …
KeymasterYou can put the registration form wherever you want it, just change the event format setting and place the #_ADDBOOKINGFORM where you want it to be.
KeymasterTake a look at the doc here:
You’ll want to read up on the Time placeholders at the bottom.
KeymasterErrr … what do you mean with “Reservation conclusion” ?
KeymasterI took a look at your site. I see you’re using a so-called premium theme called “Headway”, so maybe you should try to contact them? In the standard theme, I can’t reproduce it locally …
KeymasterCheck the EME setting “Events page” and see that it points to the correct page. Afterwards, make sure to refresh your SE url settings by going into the global wordpress Permalinks settings page and press “save” there.
KeymasterMail me an admin account so I can take a look:
Keymastersend me the admin details of your wordpress, so I can take a look:
Keymasterwhich wordpress and which EME version are you using?
Mon 7 Nov 2011 at 22:33 in reply to: Need a "More Events" link at the bottom of my Event List Page #48957Franky
KeymasterDoes this mean you use the [events_filterform] shortcode? I never meant for that to be used as a filter and then do paging along with it.
If you want only one category, use the “category” option to the [events_list] shortcode.
I’m moving this to bugs, to make sure I think this over. Tip for myself: play with $_GET more …
KeymasterNot using the database, no. But using conditional tags can help you there as well, just compare the value of e.g. #h:#i to “00:00” (for start and end) and you can then show “all day”, and stuff like that.
KeymasterI just checked, and using the latest trunk it works fine again
KeymasterUse conditional tags, search the forum for it and read about it here:
KeymasterTried it here and it seems to work just fine
KeymasterThis means you’re using a version from trunk, not the released 4.0.1. It means exactly what it says, nothing more nothing less (and the 4.0.2 version will have this message for everybody).
Since you’re using trunk, I would advise you to upgrade to the latest trunk version and see if that fixes your problem. Download it here (called “Development version”):
Keymasternot now, but you’ve put it in the right forum category 🙂
Keymastersorry, I gave the line for the global map. For single events, comment out line 197 that says,s_marker);
Keymasterto be investigated
Keymastersorry, not possible for now. They can put that in the remark field of course …
Keymasternot possible without changing the code. I’ll try to set the default to the current time for the next version.
KeymasterRead the text in the link again please …
Tue 1 Nov 2011 at 19:11 in reply to: Need a "More Events" link at the bottom of my Event List Page #48955Franky
KeymasterHow do you do the sorting?
KeymasterRead about CSS and here:
KeymasterRead about CSS and here:
Keymaster(sorry, this one got detected as spam)
Is it possible somebody adds these using the backend interface? Lot’s of fixes have been going on in eme_rsvp.php, so maybe try the latest/trunk version?