Forum Replies Created
KeymasterI’ll *try* to support wpml after the next release (this week), but for now I can’t help you here. Either you switch to qtranslate or you wait …
KeymasterThe submission form is a plugin currently not maintained by me. I’ll take a look at it later on …
KeymasterRead this:
KeymasterRead this thread:
Thu 27 Oct 2011 at 21:49 in reply to: Need a "More Events" link at the bottom of my Event List Page #48953Franky
KeymasterSee : use the paging option
KeymasterWel, for months you have the scope range:
Nm–Mm, to get the events from month N in the past/future till month M in the past future (eg. scope=-3m–2m , scope=0m–3m)
I’ll add the same for days in the next release:
So for you that will then be: 7d–7d
So you can then show events that happen on exacty 7days in the future
Wed 26 Oct 2011 at 21:12 in reply to: Register a booking manually without the person receiving the Approval email #48938Franky
KeymasterThey should 🙂
Lots of bugfixes have happened since the latest release. I’m 99,5% ready to release the next version.
KeymasterI changed the code so the pubdate contains the event creation or modification date:
For the scope, try:
scope=tomorrow, scope=next_month etc … See: for all possible values
There was some kind of issue with “tomorrow” for scope, fixed here:
KeymasterBut the RSS feed is always dynamically generated, what would then be the value for pubdate?
Keymasterthanks for noticing, fixed in trunk
KeymasterLook in the EME settings page in the WP admin section
KeymasterI didn’t know pubdate was a requirement?
KeymasterNo, you need to place the placeholder in one of the format settings in the EME settings page.
KeymasterThis is for me a HUGE wordpress bug: it adds p-tags when it shouldn’t be doing that at all.
Google for “wordpress adds paragraph tag” to see some more people having this issue.
This plugin fixed this for me:
KeymasterShould be fixed here:
KeymasterWait, you really change the user’s profile? I don’t think wordpress allows shortcodes there.
KeymasterFor the balloon: it is not a configuration option, but you can disable it by editing the javascript file js/eme_location_map.js, and comment out (or remove) the line 119 that says,this);
For zooming: normally intelligent zooming is used, but you can try changing in the same file line 142, that says:
Mon 24 Oct 2011 at 15:41 in reply to: Register a booking manually without the person receiving the Approval email #48936Franky
KeymasterNo, not possible. If you don’t want that: use a different email address than the real one for that person.
Sat 22 Oct 2011 at 15:54 in reply to: Strange interaction with Custom Widget and Custom Sidebar plugins #48933Franky
Keymastermail me the widget, I’ll take a look at it:
KeymasterI mean the place in WP where you create your pages. Normally you use the rich editor, but you can switch to the html view there.
Keymastermake sure that you have “[” and “]” in your wordpress page. Look at the html source in your page to be sure.
KeymasterI looked at your source, it contains:
[events_list author=alison]</p>
in the html-source of the page. Due to the way WP parses shortcodes, I advise you to put a space behind the closing “]”
Keymasternot going to happen: the jquery datepicker is javascript and javascript doesn’t support the same date formats as php does.
KeymasterFor recurrence: you set the start/end date of a SINGLE event in the fields concerning “Event date”.
And in the field “Recurrence dates” you set the start and end date of the whole recurrent thing (all events).
This allows you to specify events that last multiple days and still have recurrence.
In your case: Put e.g. 10/21/11 in the start/end date of the event (single day event: same start and end date), and 10/21/11-12/30/11 in the start-end dates for the recurrence
KeymasterShould be fixed here:
Keymasterindeed, they don’t pass qtranslate calls. But this should be reasonably easy to fix …
Keymastershould be ok in latest trunk:
KeymasterIt’s a confirmed bug, fixing it however is more difficult than it seems …
Mon 17 Oct 2011 at 18:34 in reply to: WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'use_paypal' in 'field list'] #48881Franky
KeymasterSure, you can add it to the wp_dbem_events table.
Or, if you can live with the re-adding of current events (and EME settings): there’s an option to clear all EME related data and settings upon deactivation. So when reactivating then, you should have a fresh install.
KeymasterYou need to combine the pot-file with the eme.pot file as a template (using e.g. poedit)
KeymasterThe current version has no known issues regarding recurrence. So I think you should check your browser for javascript errors, probably caused by another plugin (or your theme).
KeymasterI believe other parts of the French translation are not correct as well, so I’m always looking for translators. So if you’re a candidate …
KeymasterO I see, that’s something different. Moving to feature requests again.
KeymasterCheck your theme. If it’s not there, check the CSS included with the plugin and read this:
Keymasterdid you disable/enable the plugin?
KeymasterThen change the french pot-file and send it to me for inclusion.
Keymastertht’s completely pointless. If you don’t want the category to be shown, use the fields-option with [events_filterform]
Keymasterusing the current implementation of filtering, this is not possible
Search for “development version”
KeymasterThanks for the testing. I lost track of this because I didn’t move it to bugs. Moved it now and will test this weekend.
Fri 14 Oct 2011 at 06:48 in reply to: Add event details in event_list shortcode – Page Specific #48888Franky
Keymasteruse the format option then.
KeymasterUse #_LINKEDNAME then, see
KeymasterIf you use the url-type notation: don’t forget to replace ” ” by it’s url-equivalent.
For the rest, just add eg. format=#_NAME to the list:
<?php eme_get_events_list(“limit=5&scope=all&order=DESC&format=#_NAME”); ?>
Escape quotes if needed, see also the bottom of this post:
And for complicated formats using the function call it might be easier to use the complete function call. The definition of the function:
function eme_get_events_list($limit, $scope = “future”, $order = “ASC”, $format = ”, $echo = 1, $category = ”,$showperiod = ”, $long_events = 0, $author = ”, $contact_person=”, $paging=0, $location_id = “”, $user_registered_only = 0, $show_ongoing=1, $link_showperiod=0, $notcategory = ”)
==> in your case, eg.:
eme_get_events_list(5,”all”,”DESC”,”#_NAME #_24HSTARTTIME”);
(See for all event shortcodes)
Keymasteryes, by also using the format option for the function (it’s a tricky one, so try and error will be in place).
Wed 12 Oct 2011 at 14:22 in reply to: WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'use_paypal' in 'field list'] #48879Franky
KeymasterWell, for the moment it’s the only thing I can come up with … which version did you upgrade from?
Wed 12 Oct 2011 at 10:55 in reply to: WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'use_paypal' in 'field list'] #48877Franky
Keymastermaybe the user you have entered for mysql access in wordpress has no rights to add columns? Because the code is there in event-manager.php:
maybe_add_column($table_name, 'use_paypal', "alter table $table_name add use_paypal bool DEFAULT 0;");
KeymasterThis might be a bug, I need to check this myself.
Keymasterok, so for the moment: I’ll close this (has nothing to do with the original subject of this thread anyway) and if it happens after the release I would ask you to submit a new bugreport then.
KeymasterThis should be fixed by this change:
Keymaster@ngwagoner : did you find anything so far concerning the rsvp and paypal bug?
KeymasterNot enough info, please specify:
– what did you try?
– Did you read the doc at ?
– Did you already created a new page and used one of the existing shortcodes?
– Did you check which placeholders you can use?
KeymasterIf it’s a plugin: talk to the creator of that plugin. He/she/they should fix it.
KeymasterFix this JS error please:
$ is not a function
==> probably (as I said) another plugin is causing this. Upgrade the plugins you can, see if that fixes it, if not: disable all plugins and enable one by one until you find the guilty one.
KeymasterWell, I can’t say for sure. Can you mail an admin account to ?
KeymasterWait, you have problems when entering a new event? Then the settings page doesn’t even matter.
Things to answer/check/do:
– Check your browser for javascript errors.
– Did you switch to another jquery engine?
– Try using the default theme
KeymasterNo, your issue comes from the fact that the html you use is not correct. This part:
<th> Workshop </td>
<th> Plaats </td>
<th> Start datum</td>
<th> Aantal dagdelen </td>
<th> Vervolg data</td>
<th> Kosten </td>
<th> Vol?</th>
</tr>should be used in the setting “Default event list format header”. And even there:
-tags are closed by</th>
, not</td>
This part:
<tr><td>[events_if tag="#ESC_AVAILABLESPACES" value="0"] <span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: #333333; font-size: 14px; line-height: 21px;">VOL</span> [/events_if]</td></tr>
should be in the setting “Default event list format”
And the setting “Default event list format footer” should close the table
Check your generated html-output and you’ll see the difference.
Keymasterand also close the second span-tag
KeymasterTry closing the “h4” html-tag
KeymasterThe character you’re describing is a long “-“, not belonging to the standard for url’s. Since the add-to-google happens via a url, this character is not allowed and converted to it’s html representation. Probably it’s your browser or a copy-paste causing the long “-“.
KeymasterCheck your browser for javascript errors, probably a theme thing or another plugin is causing this.
Keymastero yes … ampersands are special in xml. Bug confirmed 🙂
KeymasterErrr … I don’t see a difference in both “-” shown in your post? Can you give a real example for this?
KeymasterI already responded to this on the generic wordpress forum. Was my answer there not clear?
KeymasterUsing [events_filterform] with fields=months together with [events_calendar] should get you there.
KeymasterOk, found it:
when going back/forth in the calendar, ajax requests happen like this one:
but on your site this results in a “302” response, redirecting to:
(without the “www”).
This causes the ajax query to fail (redirects are not followed). Fix this and you should be ok.
KeymasterHmmm … no javascript errors inthe theme, so it might be a bug. But as said before (and also on many forum postings): don’t use the events page directly in your menu. I’ll check it out, so for now it’s a bug. But just create a new page using [events_calendar] as a shortcode and see if that works.
KeymasterSeems to work fine if I click on “Events”. But don’t use that page in your menus. Create new pages and use the available shortcodes, see
Don’t forget to change the EME “format” settings to your liking. See also
KeymasterYou forgot to remove the “;” after the “&”
KeymasterSorry, private events are not shown in the feeds … if you find a method of people logging into WP and using that same session for the feed, the private events will (should) show
KeymasterThe FAQ contained an error:
should just be&
Try that (I corrected the FAQ)
KeymasterWhat do you use for the “Add to google calendar”? That’s not a functionality I provide …
KeymasterDownload the complete trunk version
Keymasteralready a feature request
KeymasterThat’s because it’s changing the SEO url’s, but not the rewriting rules behind it …
KeymasterI see: wpml.
I support qtranslate in my plugin.
KeymasterHmm … I tried all possible combo’s and found no issue with any combo. Maybe it’s another multilang plugin doing this?
Thu 6 Oct 2011 at 10:10 in reply to: Setting 'future' or 'today' doesn't change the event list in widget #48674Franky
KeymasterI verified this, and the scope parameter works ok in trunk. But you shouldn’t cherry-pick changes. If you’re using one file from trunk, you should use all of trunk.
KeymasterFeature request still exists …
Edit: but seems to be missing 🙂 I’ll leave this in.
KeymasterI know that in the English file it says “Reservation for ‘%s’ confirmed”
In Italian that should be “Prenotazione per ‘%s’ confermata” I guess …
KeymasterAgain something to test first, might be a bug
KeymasterFor the attendees sorting: since you can book more than once, you need a booking list for that, not an attendee list. For this a feature request exists.
For the translation: you need a tool (eg. poedit) and using the file eme.pot as a template (and the corresponding po file for the language you want, if it exists). And then mail me the resulting .po and .mo files.
Tue 4 Oct 2011 at 11:15 in reply to: Setting 'future' or 'today' doesn't change the event list in widget #48673Franky
KeymasterI’ll try to investigate this later on (but not today I’m afraid)
KeymasterWithout the eventful option, it’s mysql that does the sorting. With eventful, I use the “ksort” function in php, so that’s why it behaves a bit different. I can solve the upper/lowercase thingie though
KeymasterMy plugin uses the google API, so they are the same technology.
For the link and the compare I did with your site: they are the same in my browser (albeit a different zoomlevel in the plugin). Did you try zooming in?
KeymasterThanks for noticing, but was already fixed in trunk
KeymasterThe end date of your event is probably in the future. Fix that.
KeymasterI just tried your first calendar:
86 baden powell – tarneit, Victoria
==> in google maps, this shows the pin in the EXACT SAME LOCATION as on your site!
So please: if the pin is incorrect, use a better address description.
KeymasterTry your statements first manually until you find the right yntax for what you want to accomplish.
KeymasterYou had an error in your options for [locations_map], you had
while it should be
“scope=future list_location=none”
I corrected it, but next time be more attentive please, I can’t go around fixing everybody’s typing errors.
KeymasterPlease try this change:
KeymasterHmmm … I did not see any mail, but was too busy. So please send the account details again, I’ll pay attention to the mail 🙂
KeymasterChange the mysql select to take “event_status” into account. Possible values are:
1 (public)
2 (private)
5 (draft)
KeymasterWell, I just checked it for locations: they are ordered by default, but just not when “eventful” is choosen. I’ll change that.
KeymasterThe events are shown by date, not alphabetically. If you want that, look into the eme_event_list_filter filter at hand:
KeymasterWell, the next release and the name change will coincide. That’s why it’s taking longer than assumed (that and the fact that my stage play is going in premiere next week and my home renovations are just about finished).
For the phone: good to know. But as always: be careful with trunk …
For the issue with the rsvp and paypal: it is weird. Since you don’t see any php errors, it’s very difficult for me as well (since it works ok here). Maybe it’s a php version issue? The easiest would be: me having ssh access (or at least php) to that wordpress site …
KeymasterThe warning is pretty self-explanatory, isn’t it? I’ve added the warning about the name change in trunk, not in 4.0.1
For the phone; try this
The log indeed doesn’t show anything new.
KeymasterJust looked at your site, and the generated html output upon RSVP submit does suggest a PHP error somewhere. Do you log php errors to disk? Check your php.ini for that:
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
log_errors = On
Keymasterbtw: try updating to the latest trunk
KeymasterNope, the ID works ok as well
KeymasterJust tried it here: works just fine. But I’m using my paypal email for the setting “PayPal business info”, not business ID. I’ll try the ID next.
KeymasterIt still should work the same way, t^but the typo has been fixed a while ago.
If in fact it shows only the event title, it means a php error occurred somewhere. I need to test this, but I’m soooo busy at the moment that I don’t even get enough sleep anymore.
I’ll try to test it tomorrow using paypal sandbox.
KeymasterI will add a capability to publish events …
KeymasterShould be fixed:
Keymastersometimes it’s easier for small posts (some feature requests belong together but mixing feature requests and bug reports is not easy for follow-up)
Keymasterplease mail an admin account to so I can see these for myself
KeymasterHmm, yes: can you file a seperate bug report for that?
Edit: no longer needed: fixed in trunk 🙂
KeymasterOk, indeed a bug. Fixed in trunk
Keymasterand about (1): was already fixed in the devel version
I’ll move the rest to feature requests.
Wed 28 Sep 2011 at 21:14 in reply to: Array in hook eme_update_event_action misses "event_id" and "event_author" #48660Franky
Keymaster@nicomania: please don’t hijack a bug report for something about trunk.
Wed 28 Sep 2011 at 14:54 in reply to: Array in hook eme_update_event_action misses "event_id" and "event_author" #48658Franky
KeymasterErrr … did you check the mentioned changeset? It is for 4.0.2:
Bugfix: array in hook eme_update_event_action missed event_id and event_author
KeymasterWell, again: it works fine here. So: anything else on that page besides that shortcode? Or a filter or so?
KeymasterDo you see any errors in the apache (webserver) log? Does normal rsvp still work?
KeymasterWhat part of the validation is not working?
If wordpress membership is not required for RSVP, the phone number is (for now).
Keymasterjust tried it here and it works just fine, which version of EME are you using?
KeymasterSorry, different is different. Even if the name is the same, it might be the location description is totally different.
Keymasterok, fixed in trunk:
KeymasterI’ll try to test this further this evening (had no time during the weekend).
KeymasterI don’t know what you mean with the seperator for the calendar but if it is not possible now, it was never possible and thus should be a feature request.
For the [locations_map] shortcode: what option do you use? There’s no “eventlist” option, but you can set “list_location” to “none” as an option and the list will not be there.
KeymasterPlease google the error, this is beyond the scope of this plugin.
Keymasterread up on shortcodes and placeholders here: , in your case you need to out #_MAP in the format setting in the EME settings page
KeymasterFix the php memory error and it should be ok …
KeymasterCan you try by changing the line in events-manager.php (line 911) from
add_object_page(__(‘Events’, ’eme’),__(‘Events’, ’eme’),get_option(’eme_cap_author_event’),’events-manager’,’eme_events_subpanel’, EME_PLUGIN_URL.’images/calendar-16.png’);
add_object_page(__(‘Events’, ’eme’),__(‘Events’, ’eme’),get_option(’eme_cap_add_event’),’events-manager’,’eme_events_subpanel’, EME_PLUGIN_URL.’images/calendar-16.png’);
Thu 22 Sep 2011 at 13:29 in reply to: iCal DTSTART/DTEND is not having the timezone identifier on the end #48742Franky
KeymasterI would need to adjust much more than that: people would want timezone support for the calendar, listings, etc … as well then.
The most suitable method is in fact: create a timezone field per user (like the phone field) and take that into account. You create events in your timezone and they get adjusted automatically for other timezones then.
But this will take a *lot* of work to accomplish … for now I advise you to use the setting “Use the client computer clock for the calendar” and see what that gives you.
Thu 22 Sep 2011 at 06:36 in reply to: iCal DTSTART/DTEND is not having the timezone identifier on the end #48740Franky
KeymasterWordPress doesn’t support timezones in a ok manner (no setting present), so for now I don’t work with the timezone.
KeymasterIf you’re willing to update the Italian translation, I can walk you through it.
Keymaster“Add Event” is draft only. Please create a new bug report with your last post in it, it should work.
KeymasterDo you mean the mail “subject”? That’s not a setting, but the string has changed and probably not translated into Italian yet
Keymasterok, fixed in trunk:
KeymasterIndeed, you need to hook into the rsvp submission. See this post for a fairly real example:
Keymastersorry, this is not possible. Use a description as precise as possible for the pin to be at the most correct spot. I’m currently implementing lattitude and longitude coordinates input, then you can shift using those.
KeymasterCreate a new capability and assign everybody you want that capability. Then set in the EME settings page the “Add event” setting to that new capability.
KeymasterDon’t handpick files from trunk, more files changes all the time. From the readme:
* API change: eme_insert_recurrent_event renamed to eme_db_insert_recurrence (old function exists for backwards compatibility)
* API change: eme_update_recurrence renamed to eme_db_update_recurrence (old function exists for backwards compatibility)
And the recurrence hook gives the event it’s based on for basic info and the recurrence info:
if (has_action(’eme_insert_recurrence_action’)) do_action(’eme_insert_recurrence_action’,$event,$recurrence);
Keymasterok, finished this without adding new payment options. But for bank transfers, unique transfer codes are generated for Belgian banks, other structured transfer messages can easily be added
KeymasterI might add “other” as well, thought of that myself.
But I need to do plenty of more stuff: new mail formats for “other”, “bank transfer”, …
But now that I think of this: is this all needed? In the “Registration Pending email format”, just about any info can be added:
“if you decide to pay by bank transfer, do this. If you decide for another payment, send a mail to XXX. If you don’t pay within 15 days, your reservation will be cancelled” and stuff like that.
So maybe I’m overdoing this?
Keymasterfixed in trunk:
Keymasterthat should already be the case in the trunk version
KeymasterI’m going to decouple it. Reason: I plan on adding additional payment methods:
– cash (just a button that will result in “thank you, you can pay at the entrance” or so)
– bank transfer (will result in a mail with the bank account info and optional a unique “structured code”)
KeymasterI decided to not decouple these, but it’s not “written in stone”. I’ll go over this again this weekend.
KeymasterIf this is the case, it’s a bug 🙂
Moving to bugs again until fixed.
KeymasterI just checked your website and don’t see any double events in the widget …
KeymasterWel, lucky for me I could quickly find the problem: has been fixed in trunk:
KeymasterHmmm … the change I made only has effect on the possible end date you can use, nothing else … but as usual: I could’ve created a new bug 🙂 Let me test this out here first.
KeymasterWell, you have very special requirements here, so I can’t recall of anything else. Maybe you can look into “Events Manager” as an alternative plugin?
KeymasterWhat you need here is what’s in the feature request queue: a new shortcode that not just lists the attendees, but the bookings+comments
But for a dropdown of “chess” and other games, another feature request is in the queue and that is the ability to specify extra fields in the RSVP form. So for both: feature request in the pipeline
KeymasterUse conditional tags and the check “#_IS_LOGGED_IN”, see
KeymasterTo influence the “from”, you need to change the settings “Notification sender address” and “Notification sender name”
KeymasterThis *might* be a bug. I need to check this.
KeymasterIs the event shown multiple times in the backend? If not, you need to check the widget settings.
Keymastereme_get_events returns an array of events matching the criteria (given in arguments to the function), you can check the number of entries returned. That’s why I said what I said in my post above.
KeymasterExactly what I said: the problem lies with multiple registrations. That’s also in the other post I mentioned.