Forum Replies Created
Tue 13 Sep 2011 at 21:39 in reply to: Can I use #_FILTER_CATS to only display specific categories #48645
Keymasteronly if you change the code (which I don’t recommend)
KeymasterI think you’re better off using the eme functions directly then, in your case eme_get_events will give you the results needed.
I’ll add an API function to give the count of number of events for a category:
Keymasterpost-movie bugfixing hour 🙂
KeymasterI need to check that personally then. Can you send me a temp admin account at ?
KeymasterFuture and past events? Not very logical … but I’ll add options to the new shortcode for that
KeymasterThere’s no link for categories (yet). What would the result of such a link be? The list of future events in that category? That’s something I could code …
KeymasterNot possible: since a person can register multiple times for an event, he can also enter multiple comments. See my last comment here:
I’m planning on adding a new shortcode for the booking table, so be patient …
Btw: please do update to the latest EME and WP releases ..
KeymasterNumber of events can now be 0 in the widget:
KeymasterOk, confirmed for the scope and should be fixed in trunk:
Now the number of events …
Keymastercapitals are not allowed as part of scope names, see
If it still doesn’t work then, report it back here.
Concerning “0” for the number of events to show: I need to check this.
KeymasterFirst try it wuthout activating permalinks in the EME settings page and go from there.
KeymasterWhat do you mean with “still” displaying the incorrect address? There’s no known issue
KeymasterIn trunk (development version):
the end time can now be the same as the start time, so you can test on this to not show end date/time info (for eg. events without end)
KeymasterHmmm … the php mail() solution doesn’t use other mailservers, while smtp does. So probably it works ok, because your webserver is just using it’s own mailservers to send out stuff. Can you try looking in the smtp headers of a received mail to see it was actually send out (not received) by google?
Of course it probably doesn’t matter who’s doing the sending, as long as your client has an account that works for receiving mail.
Keymasterok, done in trunk
KeymasterFixed in trunk:
the html header now only shows the event name, and not the whole single event title format string
Keymasterfixed in trunk, even typo’s are bugs 🙂
KeymasterThis I can understand, but how do you force a specific price if you have eg. 3 choices?
Keymasternope, gmail works just fine here.
KeymasterPut it wherever you want the info to appear in the list (but you’re li-tag should be at the end). An example:
<li><b>#D #j #M #Y - #H:#i Uhr bis [events_if tag="#ESC_{j M Y}" notvalue="#ESC@_{j M Y}"] #@_{- j M Y} [/events_if] #@H:#@i Uhr</b> #_LINKEDNAME <i>Wo?</i>#_ADDRESS
Keymasterfixed in trunk
Sat 10 Sep 2011 at 07:46 in reply to: Array in hook eme_update_event_action misses "event_id" and "event_author" #48656Franky
Keymasterfixed in trunk:
KeymasterOk, more awake now: “Internal Server Error” means something wrong at your end of the server, maybe some ssl library of php not installed?
POP or imap is used to retrieve mail, not send it. So that for sure won’t change anything since my code doesn’t do pop or imap.
I’ll try the gmail setup here again and let you know.
Keymasternot possible for now
Fri 9 Sep 2011 at 22:46 in reply to: Can I use #_FILTER_CATS to only display specific categories #48643Franky
KeymasterThe version from trunk can show only specific cats for the filter.
KeymasterThen check the generated html from your theme for these, that part is not changeable by me …
Keymasteruse own normal html code to do that, using #_CONTACTEMAIL as a value for the href mailto value
Fri 9 Sep 2011 at 22:38 in reply to: Can I create a Private Events page and only have Private Events display? #48642Franky
Keymasterprivate events are visible to people logged in. No shortcode, if you want that, put them in a special category and use that cat as an option to the events list shortcode
KeymasterPlease carefully read my post above and try it
KeymasterDId you read this: ?
KeymasterI tried using the firefox here at work, and also IE8 and chrome: all work for moving back/forth months in the calendar at
KeymasterErrr … do you mean the output in html for RSVP? Then I need to check this, but it is possible I added these. I should make it indeed conditional then (show it only if indeed there’s location info)
KeymasterRead this:
There’s an example there to hide the end date if it is the same as the start date
KeymasterHi Jorgo, just mail them to me:
Concerning the missing strings: let me know which ones, so I can check this.
KeymasterMy guess is that you’re better of creating the table in a normal page, and use the [events_list] shortcode per column, using the scope parameter (possible interesting values here are “this_month”,”next_month” and “Nm–Mm”). See
And use the showperiod=monthly to show the month name as well.
KeymasterThis functionality is in the latest released version 🙂
KeymasterNormally the trunk is pretty stable for now, but as always: YMMV
But the next version is just around the corner (it’s a minor release). I didn’t have time to change the name at wordpress yet though …
KeymasterUse the captcha if you want to prevent that.
KeymasterI don’t totally understand feedburner yet, but do you know that EME can create RSS links as well (with lots of options: )?
KeymasterHave you done a “print_r($event)” to see what’s in it?
KeymasterI’m sorry, but I don’t understand at all what you’re asking.
Tue 6 Sep 2011 at 21:26 in reply to: How to change format of [events_locations] output in settings or via parameters #48626Franky
KeymasterNope, for now not possible. I’ll move this to feature requests.
KeymasterIt was an inconsistency, so it needed fixing. You’re not that picky 🙂
Keymasternope, one can say wrong things in a correct way in many languages 🙂 Hmmm … I should be able to put that in words in a better way, but I’m too hungry now, so my first thoughts are always something related with food 🙂
But I thought I understood you, and the SQL I mentioned should fix it (also based on the screenshots you mailed me). Did you try these out?
Clicking on “Reschedule” reschedules the whole recurrent event series, not the one you clicked on. And the event date mentioned then is just one of the occurrences to indicate the duration (and with the change in sql it should always show the first occurrence now).
KeymasterEME serves for real events, not ones without date. About every part of the code requires the date …
What you *can* do: plan the event (with a random date, set it in the past) and use the shortcode [display_single_event] (see ), and format the layout for the single event so it just doesn’t show the date.
KeymasterFor this I would suggest to use a form plugin and count the number of submissions.
Keymasterok, moving to “Bugs” again until you confirm the fix.
KeymasterNo response, considering fixed with this change:
KeymasterHi James,
I don’t see the multiple price implementation in your code. How would you envision this?
The paypal button: true, I could’ve used their button. What else is different in your code?
Mon 5 Sep 2011 at 12:18 in reply to: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page. #48573Franky
KeymasterWell, apparently something got messed up so the rights weren’t set by default for the EME plugin upon update. I fixed it in your plugin now and will add some code so that at least the Settings part is visible if no rights are set.
KeymasterUpdate: in the released version it is now possible to reserve spaces from the admin section.
Sun 4 Sep 2011 at 19:10 in reply to: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page. #48571Franky
KeymasterJust tried it with a new user with Admin rights: no problem here. Has your account the “Administrator” role?
KeymasterWell, I can’t seem to reproduce it here, but it is not really deterministic: for a recurrent series, to show the duration I search for the first event in the database found for that recurrence. It is very well possible that the query returns another one than the “first” event. See the function eme_get_recurrence() in eme_recurrence.php:
$sql = "SELECT event_id FROM $events_table WHERE recurrence_id = '$recurrence_id' LIMIT 1;";
maybe I should add “ORDER BY event_start_date” to the query.
Can you try these selects on live and test? Maybe add the column even_start_date to it:
SELECT event_id,even_start_date FROM $events_table WHERE recurrence_id = '$recurrence_id' LIMIT 1;
and then the same, adding the ORDER BY to it:
SELECT event_id,even_start_date FROM $events_table WHERE recurrence_id = '$recurrence_id' ORDER BY event_start_date LIMIT 1;
I’m guessing the event_id’s will play up on your test site, and the ORDER BY should fix it then.
KeymasterI’ll check this out later tonight.
KeymasterThis is now possible in the released version
KeymasterI’ve taken the inline styling out of it *and* changed the style of the surrounding div (div_location_name) to overflow:hidden.
Now it should be ok in all cases 🙂
KeymasterWP doesn’t use php sessions by default, so that method won’t help you here.
Let me think about this one.
KeymasterTry this css:
div#event-map {
width: 200px;
height: 150px;
}but: the 400px is also hardcoded for creation of events (see eme_events.php, search for 400px), so you need to remove that. Maybe it would be best to totally remove that hardcoded part and CSS it.
KeymasterOk, I neglected this bug a bit too long … sorry about that.
Concerning the_content: indeed I filter the_content, but it should only happen on the events page:
function eme_filter_events_page($data) {
// we change the content of the page only if we're "in the loop",
// otherwise this filter also gets applied if e.g. a widget calls
// the_content or the_excerpt to get the content of a page
if (in_the_loop() && eme_is_events_page()) {
return eme_events_page_content ();
} else {
return $data;
add_filter ( 'the_content', 'eme_filter_events_page' );Concerning the single event_page and get_posts: there the same logic applies, but maybe the restriction I use is not enough?
KeymasterI looked for a bbpress plugin in the past as well, but it seems bbpress was created thinking that if you don’t send mail, people come by more often on the forum. I can see the logic in it, but I don’t think it’s very smart. Also WP themselves should provide mailing lists for their plugins (like sourceforge does, since you need to use their git), but they don’t …
I think google groups is ideal for these things, no?
KeymasterFixed in trunk: true and 1 now work as value for the options full and long_events
KeymasterOk, the select is fixed in trunk:
KeymasterIs this in the admin interface? Personally I don’t have IE (not even windows) so it’s always difficult testing 🙂
Do Chrome and Opera show the same issues, or do those work?
KeymasterI haven’t had any feedback yet on the paypal implementation, so it’s guessing for me too. But personally I wanted the implementation.
The reason for the price in the paypal part was (originally) that paypal needs 3 specific characters for the currency, so I put all the available paypal codes there.
I think we should switch to a mailing list, people tend to be more responsive there …
KeymasterI’m not going to decouple it. The reason being: if you just want a price field, you can use custom attributes for that, no?
KeymasterYou can then use just the notes field or, if you want, custom attributes. See
KeymasterOk, fixed as a bug. See here for the one-liner fix in eme_rsvp.php:
KeymasterFor the “Submit” => that’s an option for the shortcode, and normally the select box should show the selected categories. I’ll check that out.
KeymasterFix confirmed to be working.
KeymasterI think I found it: price is (for now) a mediumint column in mysql, while this doesn’t support floating point values. If you change this to “DECIMAL(7,2)” you should be able to enter decimals with precision 2.
I’ll try this out later on.
KeymasterCan you test this change:
KeymasterO, I see. There you need a conditional tag that checks the content of the placeholder:
[events_if tag="#ESC_FILTER_MONTHS"]<div class="months">Select Month: #_FILTER_MONTHS</div>[/events_if]
KeymasterOk, moving to bugs then 🙂
I’ll check this out tomorrow.
KeymasterTry the “.” for the comma notation
you want to use the “fields” option
KeymasterUsing the settings in EME, you can format the calendar layout and info shown any way you like. If that’s not working for you, you should use the [events_list] shortcode. That has scope options so you can show whatever you want.
Keymasterfixed in trunk, also the language pot-file has been updated
KeymasterFixed in trunk:
Thu 1 Sep 2011 at 13:14 in reply to: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page. #48568Franky
KeymasterErrr …. yes …. it even says it (or should) in red at the top of every WP admin page after you upgraded EME
Thu 1 Sep 2011 at 13:07 in reply to: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page. #48566Franky
KeymasterHmmm …. first things first: did you disable/enable the plugin after the update?
Thu 1 Sep 2011 at 12:51 in reply to: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page. #48564Franky
KeymasterNo, I mean your WP admin user.
Thu 1 Sep 2011 at 12:26 in reply to: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page. #48562Franky
KeymasterTry giving yourself all rights (even as admin) and try again.
KeymasterO yes, that’s something I overlooked … I’ll fix it this evening (very quick fix).
KeymasterTo show the events for a specific location, use “[events_list location_id=#_LOCATIONID]“
in the notations for that event (or in the single location formatting).
For the troublesome location: I would need a link and maybe a temporary wordpress admin account to verify what’s going on (
Wed 31 Aug 2011 at 17:32 in reply to: Cant get locations_map to obey filters specified by events_filterform #48560Franky
KeymasterRead this:
the events_filterform only influences [events_calendar] or [events_list]
But I’ll move this to feature requests, so I can change it for locations_map as well.
Keymasterboth should work, but for now: 0/1 works best 🙂
There’s a small bug I need to correct for this
KeymasterWell, I needed to fix that anyway 🙂
Can you confirm that leaving it empty and using the change I mentioned above works for you?
KeymasterI mailed you a screenshot 🙂
KeymasterI can mail you a screenshot if you want: the map shows just fine, and the calendar advances to the next/previous months as well.
Maybe something in your browser?
KeymasterI can mail you a screenshot if you want: the map shows just fine.
Maybe something in your browser?
make sure the settings “Default event list format header” and “Default event list format footer” are empty, then unnumbered lists are generated. Or add
in there yourself, with other information if wanted.Franky
KeymasterWhat are the options you’re using for [locations_map] ? If you use eventful=1, then only locations are shown that have events.
KeymasterOk, found it: the setting “Max number of spaces to book” was empty, so the check failed. I’ll work around that later on. For now: put a number in there, and everything works.
Edit: fixed in trunk:
KeymasterI tried trunk … in your case this calls for further debugging. Can you mail an admin account again?
Keymasterin a correct theme, wp_hed and wp_footer are to be called correctly, and as I said: since it works now the issue was with the theme and the faq points to that fact
KeymasterThe map shows, so as for your other post: read the faq here
KeymasterIt seems to work ok now, so I assume the setting helped. So you should read this faq:
KeymasterJust tried it in the backend and frontend: no prob …
KeymasterI haven’t checked your site yet, but I think you have javascript issues due to either a plugin or your theme. First try the EME option to always include the javascript in the header and see if that works.
KeymasterHmm … still thinking about this: maybe I’ll remove the coupling between price and paypal …
KeymasterChanged in trunk:
KeymasterHmmm … indeed, I need to check the use_paypal option, for now I just checked if the price wasn’t empty. I’ll change that.
Keymasterit should be in the latest 4.0.1 release from yesterday
KeymasterNever mind, I think I found it …
KeymasterDoes this happen even if you use just one empty attribute?
KeymasterIt still needs some finetuning though (and the price should be there as well)
Keymastersometimes I wonder this myself 🙂
Keymasterdone in trunk
KeymasterI can understand the issue for your client, but in general this is not a common request. So moving to postponed.
KeymasterIf using RSVP, paypal is an option. Your client will just need to accept the possibility of paypal 🙂
Keymasterarray_combine is a php5 function, you’re thus not using php5
Keymaster@wputler: did you have any luck so far implementing this?
KeymasterThanks for noticing this. It was a find-and-replace issue 🙂
Fixed in trunk, so new users won’t be bothered by this again.
KeymasterIn ’77 I was long born 🙂
But it was not a empty time issue, but an empty end date issue in fact. Anyway, bug fixed and code cleaned 🙂
Fri 26 Aug 2011 at 23:11 in reply to: Events with same date disappear on 4.0 upgrade, reappear on downgrade to 3.3.5 #48385Franky
KeymasterOk, fixed in trunk: scope=future once again shows events of today as well. I’ll release by the end of the weekend again.
New scope=nottoday–future allows you to specify events really in the future.
Also you can now specify any scope in the widget (no longer a dropdown).
For the future scope: I’ll release by the end of the weekend. For now, change this in eme_events.php:
(the event_start_date and event_end_date comparisons changed):
if ($scope == "future") {
//$conditions [] = " ((event_start_date = '$today' AND event_start_time >= '$this_time') OR (event_start_date > '$today') OR (event_end_date > '$today' AND event_end_date != '0000-00-00' AND event_end_date IS NOT NULL) OR (event_end_date = '$today' AND event_end_time >= '$this_time'))";
// not taking the hour into account until we can enter timezone info as well
if ($show_ongoing)
$conditions [] = " (event_start_date > '$today' OR (event_end_date > '$today' AND event_end_date != '0000-00-00' AND event_end_date IS NOT NULL))";
$conditions [] = " (event_start_date > '$today')";
if ($scope == "future") {
//$conditions [] = " ((event_start_date = '$today' AND event_start_time >= '$this_time') OR (event_start_date > '$today') OR (event_end_date > '$today' AND event_end_date != '0000-00-00' AND event_end_date IS NOT NULL) OR (event_end_date = '$today' AND event_end_time >= '$this_time'))";
// not taking the hour into account until we can enter timezone info as well
if ($show_ongoing)
$conditions [] = " (event_start_date >= '$today' OR (event_end_date >= '$today' AND event_end_date != '0000-00-00' AND event_end_date IS NOT NULL))";
$conditions [] = " (event_start_date >= '$today')";
}Fri 26 Aug 2011 at 20:18 in reply to: Events with same date disappear on 4.0 upgrade, reappear on downgrade to 3.3.5 #48384Franky
KeymasterI think the doc is wrong there: show_ongoing is 0 by default I think (need to check when I get home)
Fri 26 Aug 2011 at 19:54 in reply to: Events with same date disappear on 4.0 upgrade, reappear on downgrade to 3.3.5 #48381Franky
KeymasterThe plugin works with 3.1, but in eme 4.0 future events no longer include events of today. Look at the show_ongoing option for [events_list]for that.
KeymasterI was able to reproduce the problem and fixed it in trunk. Get thee versions for eme_events.php and eme_recurrence.php (I cleaned up the code as well):
See here for the differences:
KeymasterBy default, this option is not activated. So just deactivate/reactivate the plugin.
Make a database backup (as wordpress recommends always) just in case
KeymasterFuture is any *day* in the future, not hour. Since wordpress doesn’t know timezones, I can’t take the hour into account. In the code I have sql statements that take into account the hour as well, but maybe I should make an option for it …
Keymastergreat to hear!
KeymasterThe two-day thing probably happens because you don’t enter start/end hour for the event. Is that possible?
Edit: and probably for recurrences only, I guess?
KeymasterThis has been fixed in trunk. Also the explanation has been fixed:
KeymasterAnswer to both questions: no.
For the first question: I’ll add a filter before the event deletion, and one after. There you can then ask for the attendees and send mail via a loop. But maybe I’ll also add an option where you’re asked wether or not to alert the attendees.
For the second question: wordpress has something that resembles a rudementary cron, but it isn’t one at all (it checks upon a visit if a certain action is overdue). So you can’t really schedule things, and I don’t like that. I’ll see for an option where you can do a wget with options that then sends mails.
But for both cases: the easiest for now is to just get the list of attendees and use your own mailing list software for it.
KeymasterNo, the ID was known … but just not filled in the array 🙂
Fixed in trunk, see here:
KeymasterI just tested this, and it works as expected here. Don’t forget: using eventful=true will show the locations that have an event in the specified category. If you only want locations in a specific category, drop the “eventful” option
KeymasterNo, but I do have a life and can’t answer all questions immediately.
KeymasterBtw, please do give some feedback on the paypal usage. I plan to add button encryption later on …
KeymasterOr if you want the link to the complete file:
and, as said yesterday, make sure that you’re using the updated eme_rsvp.php file as well (I changed that in trunk and 4.0.0 yesterday, but you might have the old version):
(see this thread for the reason:
KeymasterHmmm … apparently I forgot to add that to the code. I added it in trunk, see this small change:
Keymasterthere is, but I’m on the train now. try:
#_PRICE (or otherwise #_EVENTPRICE), I need to add that one to the doc
KeymasterBBbpress seems to remove some characters, see that the last part contains $event (with the square brackets)
KeymasterTry this:
function email_to($event) {
$to = '';
$subject = 'Nouvelle activité';
$message = "Une nouvelle activité « ".$event['event_name']." » attend votre vérification."."rnn"." Vérifier l'activité :"."n"."".$event['event_id'].".";
if ($event['event_status'] == 5) {
wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message );
KeymasterYou can use the filter for that, but for required values the code checks the values returned as well. So use the filter to change the resulting html so the fields are hidden with a bogus value (for now).
For wordpress filters: see , which contains a reference to wordpress documentation for filters.
KeymasterHmmm … I found two small typos in eme_rsvp.php (I thought I catched them all). Fixed in trunk (and backported to 4.0.0 for the newer downloads).
Can you test by replacing eme_rsvp.php with this one:
KeymasterFixed in trunk and backported to 4.0.0.
(it’s a oneliner fix in eme_events.php)
Wed 24 Aug 2011 at 16:40 in reply to: One-Click Registration and Conditional Event Creation Fields #48378Franky
KeymasterResponse to question 1:
For question 2: custom fields for RSVP are on my todo list
For question 3: use CSS to hide these.
Wed 24 Aug 2011 at 16:34 in reply to: More about admin panel – deleting a certain date of a recurring event #47920Franky
KeymasterOk, fixed in trunk. The change:
Wed 24 Aug 2011 at 16:31 in reply to: More about admin panel – deleting a certain date of a recurring event #47919Franky
KeymasterOk, got it. Bug is here also 🙂
KeymasterIt is the correct place to put this kind of requests 🙂
KeymasterSorry, I thought it already did. Glad to hear though!
KeymasterYou’re not using EME, but just “events manager”
KeymasterWhich problem are you having? Please be more specific.
KeymasterIt shows only when you’re logged in and registered for the event.
KeymasterThe new pot is again online:
KeymasterIf you deling the ones subsequent to the first, those won’t show up in the calendar.
What you can do is use the available filters for events and capture the fact that the user registered already. Not that easy to do though …
Edit: I see what you mean 🙂
Easier/quicker: add the recurrence without registration, delink the first one and add the registration there.
KeymasterYou *always* need to have a specific page as the event main page in the settings, otherwise: no dice.
KeymasterThis is not an error of EME, I don’t have any function that could provoke this.
I advise you to google better next time:
KeymasterWell, if you use ajax queries, make sure that the html gets escaped. That doesn’t seem to be happening here. I have a few functions for that in the code (can’t check it from here though).